
Wait... where in America is there a big enough population to put down an alien meet-and-greet facility, but so small that they have a "riot" consisting of about 25 people? And the eight or so riot police randomly crack people on the head with their batons while the rest of the semi-crowd mills about aimlessly?

I'm now officially a little afraid of you.

Here's "The Wolverine" plot:

You can love or hate whatever you like. Knock yourself out.

They've got to make room for more fake wrestling and fake reality shows hunting for non-existent creatures with cheap night vision cameras.

I'm of the opinion that the cops shouldn't be so eager to hurt other people just because they have torture methods that may not necessarily cause permanent damage.

In reference to the food that actually tastes like vomit:

That guy is an idiot, doctor or not. Forget the worm growing in his hand, he had an open wound going for weeks. He was just asking for one of those necrotizing fasciitis deals to consume his hand all the way up to his ribcage.

I'm 110% against pirated games. I guess I'm for prosecuting people who create hardware workarounds so that pirated games will work on a console. Sorry, but I'm forced to defer to Jack McCoy on this one. Jail time for everybody!

Is there some way that SGU could pull a ST-TNG thing with the separating saucer section? They could separate the bridge section from the rest of the ship/show? Please?

A little perspective here: we're basically talking about toys here. There's no need to get all heated about it. Every system has its advantages and disadvantages, but at least from my perspective what I care about is whether or not a game is fun to play or not. Frankly, I didn't think Crysis was all that much fun. It

@SkipErnst: Yeah, and if you cooked it just right they should sort of fall off in your hand, the way mine did a couple of hours ago. So tender that all I had to do to get the meat off of the drumstick was to grab the end of the bone and pull, and the meat stayed attached to the thigh.

I live in a small town in Florida, and Books-a-Million is THE chain bookstore. Their coffee deal tastes better than Starbucks, and their employees are less snobby than the other two top chains. Lots of cool chicks with tattoos and guys who read graphic novels. I'd rather buy used games from those folks than the idiots