@soggy_cheerio: oooh, it looks like it might rain, I better have packing cubes and let my electronics get wet rather than put it into a ziplock and then into a packing cube.
@soggy_cheerio: oooh, it looks like it might rain, I better have packing cubes and let my electronics get wet rather than put it into a ziplock and then into a packing cube.
@Imfromthenet: mmm. my bad. I see how it is different. NEAT!!!
how is this different from [www.mendeley.com] ?
@Honey_Badger: third that. I found it very useful.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: disposable passwords? I don't know, I am using it, but find it a bit confusing.
@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: LastPass Encrypts them and stores on the cloud.
@PrairieMoon: there certainly was an article about that in LH. Sorry, I cbb tonight to find it.
@danielblakes: my mind crosses this: if one would use the server at friends place, they might be limited by the bottle neck (if friend has smaller incoming/out-coming speed)
I found another one that looks quite handy, it's called Meeting Words [meetingwords.com]
@John Steele: I like your tip :). I guess, we just have to be even more helpful.
Today's goal: get the star!
@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: shop savvy works as well
@wildblueyonder: LH saved the day!
@hercules_100_98: seconeded!
@Wrathernaut: harsh, but true.
@kellanpan thanks,dude!
um.. why wouldn't you use the calendar on your mobile set to the compact mode?
@danielblakes: can you explain me this:
@bobkoure: That's... very scary of them.
so which sale is the best? :D