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Ah, yes... The Young Ones had a very bleak future indeed.

Those people are stupid. I don't think they understand how stories work.

Ahh, Falling Down. That movie REALLY resonates with my family - my father is a former defense contractor, and used to go to work looking almost exactly like Michael Douglas did in that film. My mother worried that one day he'd snap...Fortunately, he retired and has gotten a lot less stressed. :)

Between that, and the

One of my good friends is an unlikely candidate to enjoy the film except that she's a Zen Buddhist. The contrast between violence and nihilism is what gives people a polarized opinion on FC. I absolutely love FC and not because of the violence but the act of letting go of the stuff that does not matter.

Really? I came to post that while I don't wish to take away from the cosplay, a "Geek Girl" con is as gender divisive and exclusionary as it gets. I thought we were done with the geek girl moniker, to boot.

Blast Hardcheese.

Trunk Slamchest

What kind of cutlery do you have?

If they leave this scene out I don't know why they'd even bother.

And basically any of those options are stupid.

As a Scot, I didn't approve of the vote. Every country should be in control of its own destiny. There's close to 400,000 English people living in Scotland that had a right to vote in that referendum. Very few of them would have voted to disband from the U.K, and if you do the math without the English voters, those

Late Orc: "Hey guys, what's going..."

This kind of reminds me of that episode of Deep Space Nine where Dr. Bashir replaced parts of Vedek Bareil's failing brain, keeping him alive while robbing him of his humanity. (The fact that I can unironically reference that makes me super sad.)

wow. Great story, and I like the way you told it!

No I didn't read the story. I used it as a springboard to advance a covert anti-Male agenda. The original article is correct as written: India is bad and should feel bad about reaching Mars without authorization from Major League Baseball.

I just love the plant breeder's name. Makes me think of old children's books. "C. Reed Funk. Funk, Reed, funk."

Here's how they can fix it...