
No. They’re the only space agency currently doing anything except launch satellites. Nobody else would be experimenting with unmanned payload delivery. It happened to go wrong this time. Nobody even died, which happened a lot with the American space program.

It’s like if Dice made a new Battlefield game. That was an isometric RPG. Weird. Except here, not only has it been 6 years, but... the franchise isn’t exactly huge. That’s WHY it’s been gone for 6 years. So it’s doubly weird, because, why release an isometric dungeon crawler tied into a niche franchise? If they pulled

I foresee 2 problems emerging:

I’m late to the party here. I’m not trying to make this about men but you’ll probably say so anyway.

Screw “most peoples” interpretations of the characters. Not only do most people know fuck all of Frank Millers contributions, but they know fuck all about the Justice League. You’re claiming that because of their low exposure to the breadth of the characters, and their fear of new things (Superman/Batman might not be

I'd appreciate a converse guide for those like myself who have, since moving away from home, lived alone and only in their thirties face the prospect of sharing a house with friends or a lover. I have no understanding of etiquette or basics of cohabitation. I fear that I won't prove able. I can be particular about

They've taken 2 shots at a film and failed both times. The Hulk is inherently a dull character. He gets angry and smashes things. He's also the most famous of Marvels heroes. He doesn't need a stand alone franchise. The way they use him now is fine.

Comics are dumb yo.

Actually, it went from 0 to stupid in one bound. Cat steals a man's food (or whatever he's got an octopus for), it gets hit. This time, an octopus. Next time a chicken leg on the dinner table. Next time his milk delivery. End of story. If it was a person, you'd ask them not to and then hit them when they didn't stop.

I like Alien 3 too. But it squandered what was handed to it by Aliens, for no real reason other than directorial hubris, and was a troubled production. It's not as good as Aliens. It will continue to exist. I'm happy we may get an alternative story.

I see people saying, "do something new for gods sake we don't want Ripley and Hicks".

As a big fan of the film, and Riddick, and the further Riddick films, this was always the proper interpretation. Riddick is a charismatic antihero who never really redeems himself to become a hero, always focused as he is on his own self interest or vendetta, which may coincidentally align with the interests of

As soon as I saw it I thought it looked like the repeatedly failed Russian Bulava tests from a couple years ago. I'm not saying it is a Bulava, over American soil, but I am calling it as a failed missile test, corkscrewing out of control and on fire as it heads mostly toward the camera, that flings off a segment at an

Could be a 2014 retro hipsters room except for the wallpaper. That's some bad wallpaper in any era.

What you're seeing on here is called astroturfing. It's abundantly clear, and it's further clear that the comment moderators are participating. If you haven't heard the term, in a nutshell, interested parties employ social media operatives to saturate a given topic or issue's coverage on the internet with the message

Let's see an afterpicture of the "damage". They laid some cloth letters down and picked/will pick them up again.

That's exactly what I came to post. Unbearably sad.

Funny thing is, I've seen this, the Milky Way. But only once and I'm damned if I can remember where I was. Definitely not on a crystal clear mountaintop, since I've never travelled. Hard pressed to say where I could go within 50 miles of me to escape the lights. On the plus side, that must mean you can see it without

"I was really interested in how we can make games about intimacy without a "kindness coins = sex cutscene" trope"

That's... not how it comes across. I mean perhaps that's what the author means, in which case fair dos, but the way I and apparently my upvoters read it, it says fantasies about suffering, distress or non consensuality (all quite common, as the article confirms) make you pathologically disordered.