
"The key point is that fantasies should not be confused with wishes or behaviors... The mere presence of a fantasy, even if intense and recurrent, is not sufficient to describe a real-life sexual interest... Thus, fantasies are not necessarily good indicators of real-life interests.

Reunions are an American thing. I have a handful of pathetic stories from other people about attempts to start the idea here in the UK, pathetic because of lack of interest. I think we must have a very different school culture here, because the last thing on anyone's mind, at any length of time after school,

They are. I've eaten many kilos of them over autumn. They reduce down a lot and if picked young lend a glutinous texture, making them good in soups or risottos.

Didn't even know this was a thing I might not know. I'm only 31 but I used the pieces on real potatoes when I was younger. First time I even knew about the stupid plastic potato was when I saw Toy Story and it took me some time to wrap my head around.

As I understood it, who he was we don't know and doesn't matter. When he slit his own throat, and using his own magic as he had used on Talion, he provided a path for Sauron himself to inhabit his own body as Celebrimbor inhabited Talions. Then, the corporeal Sauron attempted to absorb Celebrimbors wraith, which was

And you're naive. QED.

I don't just not buy it, I refute it utterly and believe the opposite. But I do believe that woman want real sex, and believe in real sex, and don't invest such time into mental gymnastics over stupid kinks as men.

Few observations:

Using the word date, or take you out, or similar, is crucial. I've had great problems with this. I have a laissez faire attitude to dating that I believe is healthy - I don't want to call it a date, I don't want the pressure and the feeling of trying each other on for size, what I want is to establish that we like

In ten seconds I can think of multiple explanations not directly sex related. Correlation, causation, etc. If it is directly orgasm related though, with my autoerotic habits my prostate must be plated with steel.

I sympathise with the first guy, having experienced this a few times. Most women will take the time and attention of a man if they can get it, outside of a relationship. They'll hoover that shit up (There are men who do it with women - but disproportionately rarely). They cut you off when they meet someone because

1. She's as complex as a paper bag. Motivation? History? Actions? Shallow as they come.

Let's be honest, no less ridiculous than actual skateboarding.

Wondering why Gawker hasn't embedded the video in the article? Because it clearly shows a man literally get blown into pieces. I thought they were goats or something from the gif, but no. Chunks of him spill off to the right.

I heard all this before when they made it AFI number one. I don't understand it. It's a silly, moderately enjoyable comedy like many others. It's not in the top ten funniest films let alone number one.

Surely what you want is a female screenwriter, and just a good director, gender irrelevant? How exactly does a female director shoot and direct the film in a way reflective of her gender?

Used up fossil fuels. In a century we've sucked up the most incredible power source on the planet. It could have been controlled and rationed for tens of thousands of years to enable progress. Renewable energy will never arrive like scifi dreams it will. How will you build and maintain wind turbines without power to

Whoa, is this how things go at Kotaku now? Editors telling people to go away because... they discuss the game in the article?

More than one woman on my very small Facebook has left the site over this, as they call it, misogyny via discouragement of natural age motherhood. At first I scoffed along with other commenters, questioning how providing such a service to employees was misogynist, but I'm on their side. Companies DO NOT do things for

No. But there are people out there who think you are. They think that enjoying the film on any basis means you completely sympathise with the main character and thus, for example, believe the mans wife is wrong for divorcing him and removing his daughter from his life because of vague "aggressive attitude" accusations