
It's overlooked sure, but I'm not really talking about cinematic regard here. People don't complain about the "quality" of these films, but the nature of the story.

It pulls no punches. In that films case, these people trot out some form of "male/psycho power trip" accusation, like the film is voyeuristic wish fulfilment for all who feel powerless and want to rage against the machine, although I've also seen flung at it the accusation that it is misogynistic by generating

Fight Club is one of those films (along with for example Falling Down or Donnie Darko or, most curiously, Pitch Black) that I love despite being left down the years with the distinct impression I should dislike. I have been told direct to my face by people, variously, that liking them makes me misogynistic,

I don't have a dick. This isn't about your persistently framing the issue around the idea that I do and that it is all that counts. That is tired. Do not trot trite phrases learned by rote at me, even if your entire life turns upon regurgitating what the tumblr-ing classes say in the echo chambers of whatever corner

Their identity is that they're gender exclusionary? Then they can keep it. I wouldn't attend a con if you paid me, but I know women who do, and not only do they tell me the "creeps at cons" narrative is false in their experience, but not one of them would support or attend this con. They like me would question the

Saying "I could care less" is sarcastic is akin to my deciding to make a habit of saying "I'm really not hungry" when I am in fact hungry, every time, and then claiming it's sarcasm. Except even more stupid and not legitimately sarcastic.

Really? I came to post that while I don't wish to take away from the cosplay, a "Geek Girl" con is as gender divisive and exclusionary as it gets. I thought we were done with the geek girl moniker, to boot.

Basically the study says sexting doesn't influence sexual behaviour, just represents it. It's the same grotty little shits, male and female, as there ever were, they just send pictures now. We all remember them from our days no matter how long ago. I could give you the names of the kids from my time I would put money

No. Nope. Revan, male or female, light or dark (female and light as far as I'm concerned) found bigger better hidden threats in the unknown regions of space and vanished to fight/recruit/dominate them. The choice in all that is the key point of KotOR. Bringing Revan back cast in a set form and path defeats the purpose

The sour grapes that is woven into the modern dating scene is so strong we can all taste it. Over and over again I read articles explaining how being single is not bad - and then doing their utmost to reassure people against being rejected and staying alone - while nobody mentions the elephant in the room, that

You misunderstood the point but thats cool. I mean I'm a Londoner, but I don't travel around wearing a pearly king jacket and carrying a teacup all day while squawking "Awright guvnor".

You mean you can't change posers. A Professional Texan.

Unironically referencing that makes you awesome.

Hold up - I'm as ready to believe the world's full of assholes as anyone but you may have heard of, may even have seen, the effect of "target fixation". You'll know what I'm talking about if you run to keep fit. People have a nasty habit of seeing a thing while moving and seemingly being unable to avoid moving toward

Undermine it it might, but so does a lot of what we do since we left the base biological impulses of the animals behind. You can't look anywhere in the animal kingdom and apply it to human behaviour - we alone on the planet operate on the level of the mind, culture, "intelligence". Very little of what we do helps our

To kill people.

Who is it on then. If you're a believer in progressive society, who is it that's supposed to take responsibility for teaching people the proper way to behave if not the people around you. We're expected to challenge, for example, domestic abuse, rape culture, racism, where we see it. Why then is it wrong to suggest

I've said literally nothing about myself or even a single person. I'm tangentially in the social care field and I cross paths with people like I'm describing. Consistently down the years I've found counsellors of all flavours to have a limited palate in the counsel they give when they're brought into contact with a

Mm. That's a nice sentiment. For someone who's had the privilege, however late, of social success. If you've actually been doing counselling though, you'll know there are many people who haven't, for whom any social contact with single members of their target sexuality is few and far between. People like you have a

try kate bush slowed 800%. anyway, you do know these things are made with a program that almost spins the audio out of whole cloth right? actually slowing stuff by 800% makes it sound like wind blowing through a rock gulley in tron