
Couple problems with assertions made here:

I may be misunderstanding, but she seems to walk right into a pretty basic mistake - by believing everyone else realistically acknowledging sex as "embarrassing and messy" is "doing it wrong" (whether she means sex itself or the writing of it) she is subscribing to the same childish prurient use of it as erotica that

I hallucinate when extremely tired, such as after all nighters, at the end of the day after bad sleep or when drifting off in the workplace. I see faces and entities that aren't there, peeking out from behind things there is no room behind or in random visual assortments. Often taking the form of inhumanly tall, thin

I've tried it a few times over the years. I always hit the same issues.

Because if the concept of progressive society has any core value, it's to care for each other. We should care that someone wants to fuck themselves up or has a damaging self image. We try to talk down the suicides. You may never have been raped, and don't believe that pigheaded participants in rape culture are

There are people in this world who are happy for wrong things. People happy when they bully others. Drink to oblivion. Pedos happy when they're long-lensing kids in the park. Men who are happy getting castrated. Women happy when they slash their arms.

A really good time?

I dated her because I too like ultra geeky crap. That's how we met and why we dated. But where I was tolerant of forms of the broad spectrum of "geeky" that I didn't share an interest in, along with god forbid, non geeky interests, she wasn't. She would get bored, and let you know about it, if you or anyone didn't

Cons, in general, are confusing to me. Not I nor anyone I know has ever been a fan of something enough to want to partake in that sort of thing. I mean I was a big fan of Star Trek when I was younger as were some of my friends, really big, but if you'd have asked if we wanted to go to a convention we'd all have

It's not mentioned when they impose yearly hosepipe bans, reservoirs vanish in summer or they put your bills up. Or they spend 3 months with temp roadworks fucking up your town for "infrastructure improvements" fiddling around with suburban supplies to look good while the big bores lose a thousand gallons a day and

I briefly worked for British water companies and one of the big secrets is the colossal wastage from their busted ass infrastructure. I'd hesitate to put a percentage on it, since it was a decade ago, but suffice to say 10% would be a tremendous improvement over existing wastage levels. Also, drought worsens it. The

I've been using it since hotmail launched. Non stop. To maintain contact with increasingly less people, in fact for at least 6 or 7 years, with one guy. For the last 3 or 4 years, via Pidgin. I'm still using it really - they might have pushed me into using Skype, which I had no interest in or reason to use before

I must know where this is from immediately

This comment will remain grey so this is pissing in the wind, but at least I'll know I wrote it.

There's something wrong when you want to post an intensely private affair like your proposal publicly, and there's something wrong when people want to see it.

I'm white and I'm scared of the police. I've been scared of the police since I was old enough to watch news, and doubly scared since I was old enough to experience their "serving and protection". But then I'm not a wealthy suburbanite. Every interaction I've ever had with police has been negative, including the time I

Unlike the guy above this is actually a constructive answer. Those are examples of what it might look like. In response I'd say this: the story of the Incredibles is less romance, really, isn't it, and more family life (dysfunctional family learns to superhero together) and was lucky to do it first. The Parrs function

Er. The only place romances go well is fairy tales and romance potboilers where they ARE the "story". Exactly what is your presented alternative. How do we make a thrilling story that involves relationships.

I mean, I think we're close here to understanding a basic truth of the denizens of the internet. Help us out here. Why would you take time out of your day to visit this article, about fixing USB, purely to attack people agreeing with the basic premise - that said fix is necessary? What compelled you in the first place