
It's a stupid design. Everyone I know feels exactly the same, and a brief stint in tech support supports this. You can't plug them in unless you're looking directly at them in good light. EVERY time you use one, first attempt is wrong way round. They can break quite easily trying to insert them the wrong way. So can

The movie rights issue is so ugly and so utterly opposed to both the spirit and reality of what Marvel are trying to achieve that it guaranteed I wouldn't pay to see Fox/Sony comic films ever again. Which isn't a hassle, since their efforts are so lame in comparison. It really puts them down on the same feel and level

Having worked in a cinema in my youth I can assure everyone that projectionists can be this fucking stupid. They live a semi-hermit life in hidden rooms and tunnels and learn an active mistrust of the outside world (think everyone wants to either steal the film or complain about their shoddy work). They were a

Uh... removing or disabling voice chat is a step backwards. Games never used to have it. I actually can't believe what I'm reading here, unless I've misunderstood it. At least acknowledge that it was a mistake letting everyone talk to each other because people are flawed, rather than somehow trying to make reverting

About 2 years ago I had the worst flu I've ever experienced, physical pains, swollen joints and dissociative waves for a month, couldn't hear, could barely see, like being on the verge of blackout permanently. Couldn't do any physical thing, thought I was dying and relished the idea of that relief. On the slope of

Two things; one, if I had kids, I wouldn't have these in the home while they were young and probably at all, since as a parent I wouldn't be buying gadgets and toys for myself and I'm really already too old for stuff like that already anyway, if I received them as a gift they'd just go into a drawer.

I've read this article twice and I still don't know what it's on about, it's like it arrived from another world, am I old or something

1900 is history. Crimea isn't where I'm talking about. If you want to go down that route, the western half of Ukraine that wants EU integration has been variously part of every surrounding "country" for centuries. The place is a semi-unified mess of identities and ethnicities without a cohesive national agenda with an

Why? The first explanation that emerged, if you followed the story as it happened, was that Ukrainian paramilitaries had shot it down under the inaccurate belief it was Putin's plane - which they had been told was in the area at the time, and whom would have had access to Ukrainian materiel. That sounds just as

I don't remember choosing friends from a range of options any time in my entire life. Frankly it sounds sociopathic. Friends are those you are around a lot with whom you get on. School, college, employment. Maybe neighbours.

I don't think a progressive enlightened site like io9 should be covering or promoting, in any way, the existence of hijabs - a garment according with the mandate of a religion demanding womens hair be covered up around men. Womens hair. Hair. Be covered up. A religion demanding this. All I feel here is pity for the

Difficult, maybe impossible to defend their narrative changes. Expected some in the transition from book to show but these are inexplicable. Become hard to discuss around women let alone defend. Not watched this season and feel better for it.

Also approves

The time and effort invested (notable how often he plays this down, knowing he has to) for no gain of any kind except the knowledge he fooled people on the internet? Not even any enjoyable trolling, since the best it gets is "oh its a hoax nm". This, this is what he uses to "keep boredom at bay". You know what even


Also came to post

Source for that? I have a hard time believing an Asian martial arts film reworked its entire plot for no particular reason around a Western action film from a totally-unknown-in-Asia franchise, WHILE said film was in post production, AND get it to screens first.

Watched it in the cinema couple years ago, chop socky isn't my thing but if it was I'd get it here. Dredd reminded me of it a lot.

Lol. Indiana Jones image macro spam expected and delivered, this is why I love you guys.

Black is enigmatic. Colours are flamboyant and totally unmysterious. Deep caverns are black. Deep water is black. Our irises are black. Space is black. There is a visual character to black that the presence of any colour ruins.