
It’s the stupid few that ruin things for everyone else, hence the meme ‘why we can’t have nice things’.

Just trying to ignore this game until my pre-order shows up on my doorstep. Most likely a couple days late too.

That’s one reason why GBB took off in U.S.

Yep, mhmm. That looks like an accurate translation.

First question you should ask yourself is...

Thanks EA.

The best pet-battle battle system I’ve ever played thus far would be Ni No Kuni.

Wait, how’ve you spent more time on Turtles than MGS? I could beat Turtles in the same amount of time as one MG cut scene.

Cearly Kojima outgrew Konami. So I’m just glad He’s taken his future back and still blazing a path in the industry.

So you are saying Turtles > MGS? Wooow...

Damn, this kind of changes everything. Monhun team is the last game actually giving fans what they want.

The lack of penmanship on that sign tho. *shudders*

Seems as though Blizzard has full blown Activision Individuality Disease.

Pretty damn good. I want that ladle. 

But like, how are there not any leg warmers?

I was close to canceling my Prime account. But out of nowhere it gets Blade of the Immortal, guess it'll have to wait.

Iiiiit’s kindaaaaa their thing. 

I’m actually enjoying RDO much more than I expected. It’s now become my MMO replacement, playing a couple missions a day just appreciating the slower pace with the slow leveling system. Best part is no subscription.

Yahp, Sahmpsons deiyd it

This, is the beginning of our cyberpunk future.