
I think the entire plan behind Community was they took a list of easter eggs and built a show around them rather than the reverse.

There will be Ewoks in Justice League, MARK MY WORDS!

I sell my ebooks without DRM for exactly that reason. The losses I might suffer due to piracy (btw, please don't pirate ebooks! If you can't afford five bucks, tell me and I'll give you one!) are paltry compared to the accessibility for my customers. I WANT you to own ebooks you buy that I have written and/or

A friend of mine already wrote this. It’s the Colt Coltrane series, set in an alternate history post-WWII Los Angeles, starring the hardboiled detective Colt Coltrane and his robot Petey. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00GR8…

Key-tar FTW!

Note re: Kevin Anderson’s Jedi Academy trilogy.

Guys, let’s all remember that not everyone is watching a head.

Hobgoblins and Mutiny in Space. Those two. They will hook you.

No fight from me. I agree with you 100%.

I’m just going to leave this here.

October 27th sees the next book in the Just Cause Universe superhero series, THE LION AND THE FIVE DEADLY SERPENTS, an homage to ‘70s kung fu films.

I’ve proudly broken sixty percent of these rules, and will likely break the rest eventually.

Cross-bladed lightsaber sickle and shut your stupid mouth, thank you very much.

“I know, but these reports have to be up to the bridge in less than an hour.”

You know how Admiral Piett screamed for them to “intensify forward firepower”? They still haven’t.

Spoiler for better downforce because this ship is FASTER and FURIOUSER!

Convenient, easy-to-use self-destruct mechanism.

Now we know where all your POGs from the ‘90s went.

Many greebles died to bring us this ship. This is where they went extinct and left the surface smooth as a Hutt’s butt.