
“Empire Movers: Our fleet of fast and efficient semis are ready to deliver your possessions with statistically zero damage from rebel scum and their strangely accurate laser blasts.”

Super-duper long corridor where they filmed the forty-five minute-long opening crawl of the film.

Allows atmospheric maneuvering, obviously.

Dear god, I can’t believe I’m about to suggest this, but I really hope one of the kids becomes the prototypical ‘90s Image Comics-style over-the-top character, complete with ponytail, braids, ridiculous armor, questionable anatomy, ludicrous weaponry (like a gun that shoots swords!), and pouches. SO MANY POUCHES.

They’re best when spitted and turned slowly over an open flame.

Clearly, he’s a Bothan. One of many. You get three guesses what happens to him and his fellows before the end of the film, and the first two don’t count.

“Zygon” being an ancient word that translates, roughly, as chin scrotum.

“Both writers have to depart from their typically rigorous scientific prose to answer with poetry, metaphysics, and pure romantic love”

If only... the book had ended before the 5000 - year time jump, I’d have given it a better review myself.

The series finale of Alphas was horribly depressing. We'll never know if everyone but Gary died.

Exactly. Don’t they warrant being here in the battle against Helmet Jumpsuit and the Thug Array?

Neil Patrick Harris.

Nice art. So where are all the female characters? Home washing their tights? Partying with Heat Wave? Not shown for fear of alienating a presumably male audience?

Maybe they could get George Miller to direct it.

Let’s go for the younger crowd here. A gritty teen drama set on the wrong side of the rails in the unfashionable end of Mos Eisley: TOSCHI STATION.

I’m busy reading submissions for an anthology, which is kind of a miserable job. That said, if you need something new to read, Local Hero Press (http://localheropress.com) will be happy to send you review copies of anything in our store, especially if you dig superheroes.

I could have done without the last hundred and a few more pages. Say the entire third act of this one. He lost two stars from my review for it.

Is there any practical reason to have this chemical on hand? Or is it more of a "OMG LET'S MIX ALL THIS JUNK TOGETHER AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS" kind of thing?

Tom Hardy name-dropping Transmetropolitan is the best thing I've seen all day.

Two suggestions here: