
In the wild, wild world of publishing, the amount of hookers and blow consumed on a regular basis is almost zero.

I'd be okay with Diggle leaving Arrow so long as it's to head up a Suicide Squad series.

Featuring the Fort McWilliams Fighting Aardvarks!

Heh. I wrote an irreverent novel called Blood on the Ice that might as well have been subtitled "Jews vs. Vampires, plus Hockey". Not posting a link because advertising is annoying, but it's available at all online retailers if anyone is curious. Shalom!

Well, we'll be treated to a sixty minute origin story, explaining in great detail that which could be covered in five minutes of screen time, get to meet a bland, forgettable villain, have twenty minutes of character building and laying groundwork for the sequel, and wrap it all up with fifteen minutes of wanton

In regards to the Columbus argument, I like to consider whether the Europeans might have had more respect for the Native Americans if they had first met them out on the open ocean and had the chance to communicate that way at first. Perhaps the history of the world might be very different under those circumstances.

I already know the answer to this because I'm a gamer, and I'm not going to post it. But for everyone who's struggling, may I suggest:

I really liked it. For some reason, it reminded me a lot of this movie:

Collectively, my series has beaten three large, but no individual novel has yet, as far as I know without checking my numbers. That being said, what benefit is there to SFWA membership? I've heard nothing but news about churlish behavior by members and officers recently.

And after their thoroughly rational discussion where this happens:

Long as I get my Special Agent Burt Macklin, FBI movie, I'm okay with this.

I was just thinking about this yesterday, why we're not getting more remakes of schlock cinema classics like this.

We had The X-Files. Then we had Lost. Then we had Fringe. Thematically related and yet all unique. Give us something NEW, ya bastards.

He's been a dead homeless guy for the first half of the season. Maybe the Armani costume comes later?

"My name is Vixen and I am the animaliest person alive." Yup, still works.