
This. Junk food full of chemicals, sodium, and fat, overly packaged in plastic and generating excessive trash (and the excessive materials and energy costs associated with its production). Future generations will see this shit and just shake their heads, amazed that we didn't all die out (unless future generations

The one item on this list I absolutely take issue with is head-hopping. There are ways to write multiple-pov stories without jumping between the thoughts of multiple characters in the same scene. As a reader, I find that intrusive and distracting, taking me out of the story. As a writer, it makes me shout obscenities

Dear Congress: There is oil on Europa and no bibles. You know what to do.

Somewhere, a Fox studio exec is giggling into a giant pile of cocaine on a hooker's ass.

I got all 15, but at one point I wanted to write Star Wars novels and spent a lot of time viewing and reading those who came before.

Not posting a link because some people get uppity about full frontal male nudity, but there's a brilliant Graham Chapman' bits and pieces scene in Monty Python's Life of Brian. "You are all individuals!" "Yes! We are all individuals!"

Somebody set Philae back upright. Who?

I'd like to see more of a return of the Canary Cry. Surely Felicity can whip up something, right?

Now playing

This moment here still gives me chills - The moment in ST:WoK in the Mutara Nebula when the Enterprise rises up behind the Reliant. Dear gawd. I do not believe there is a more perfect Enterprise moment in any of the movies or TV series.

Hey, remember that show where Fonzie and the rest of the Happy Days Gang were time travelers? Yeah, that was really great. Really, really great. Eyyyyyy.

Get all the politicians out of science. All of them. I don't care what flavor they are. Then put these guys in charge.

Honestly, though... Is anything?

One where the New 52 never happened. Also, the one where James Cameron reads one of my books and wants to make a movie out of it.

So, to properly balance on these skates, you have to either force your toes upward into an unnatural position or lean back, putting your center of gravity behind them instead of over them? NOTHING CAN GO WRONG HERE!

The biggest problem is the unwillingness to acknowledge problems despite overwhelming evidence of their existence combined with willful ignorance and refusal to commit any funding to solving those problems. Pick any issue you like and this is at the root of why it isn't being solved. We're an ingenious goddamn bunch

With relevant lyrics as well!

Nice shout-out to veteran comic book writer Gerry Conway as Felicity's assistant in this episode.

"Antisocial Internet billionaire"? *coughPersonofInterestcough*

Obligatory "Aliens"-guy picture post. I'm too tired to bother finding a link.