
Sheev Palpatine sounds like a guy who wants to sell you skyhopper insurance. "Got a hankerin' for that classic T-65? Let Sheev Palpatine ensure your hot rod will be protected from trigger-happy sandpeople and envious jawas. Open weekdays 8-14. Closed on Boontas."

Hi all! I'm author Ian Thomas Healy, creator of the Just Cause Universe series of superhero fiction books (and other fun SFF works). Check out the catalog at www.amazon.com/author/ianhealy. I'm a big io9 fan and visit every day, at least a couple times.

I figured out that part. See my thread.

Except they will say "Da" and "Ja", and you still don't know which one means which. My question will confirm which is which.

I'm not forgetting that; I'm using Yes and No for simplicity's sake. "Would the Lying God tell me that Da means Yes?" If the god you ask says "Ja", you know Da means Yes. If the god says "Da," you know it means "No."

As I interpreted the question, he will answer truthfully or falsely completely randomly. But as my question is posed, the truthful or false answer must be the same. If DA means YES, all gods MUST answer my question as NO in order to keep within their rules.

Assume that "Da" means "Yes." You ask the Liar, "Will the Lying God say Da means Yes?" The truth is that Da DOES mean Yes, and if asked that question directly ("Does Da mean Yes?"), the Lying God would say "No." So if asked if he WOULD say Da means Yes, the truth is YES, it does, so he would have to lie and say NO.

I was able to define the meaning of da and ja in a single question, asked of any god: "Will the God who lies tell me that da means yes?"

Okay, ask any god (it doesn't matter which) this question:

Okay, spoilers below for the yes/no solution.

I figured out how to determine which of Da/Ja means Yes/No in one question. Still working on the latter two. The key to the first one, without spoiling it, is to phrase your initial question in such a way that will force all three gods to answer the same way (meaning Random will always match the answer given by Truth

Ollie started out with the skills and took two seasons to learn to be a hero. Barry has the heroic mindset; if it takes him a couple seasons to be competent with his powers, I'm ok with it.

Apparently, Ward does nothing but grow his beard and push-ups in solitary. You see the guns on him? I had to keep my wife from licking the TV. Looks like Skye beefed up quite a bit in the off season as well. I approve of this.

Logically, the dragons decide that the whole green-eyes thing is complete bunk, and choose to go find the douche-canoe who told them in the first place.

I'm getting ready to release my next superhero novel. Just unveiled the cover and book trailer yesterday !

For every Gotham moment I have enjoyed, mostly involving Bullock and Cobblepot, there has been a face-palmingly bad instance of plot hammers or character idiocy. Example: homeless kid who escaped kidnappers explains how homeless kids have been disappearing, yet when the sketchy van pulls up, they're all OMG FREE

What the hell is a "squeezy" fry?