
What's the over-under on Sean Bean dying in the second act?

The Pen & Cape Society, of which I am a member, is a collective of superhero fiction authors. I invite you to visit us. Http://Penandcapesociety.com

Law & Order: Gotham. Also, character soup.

But was it a joint decision or unilateral?

This is a real thing that you will see when you are leaving Denver International Airport. If you're very unlucky, it will fall on you and kill you, like it did its sculptor.

I approve of this casting, and not just because I had a huge crush on her from her Max Headroom days. Nope, not just because of that at all.

Stop putting non-scientists in charge of science education and policy. *drops mic*

Up next, I presume, will be the Butter Zone, where butter won't melt because it's cool, the Red Zone, where scoring is at a premium, and the Friend Zone, where life could form but won't because the girl aliens just can't see that the nice boy aliens are worthy mates instead of just someone to talk to.

You guys! YOU GUYS! Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Rashida Jones, and Retta! Tell me that's not an awesome cast right there! Hmmm... They should do a show together...

I've been generally pleased with Syfy's miniseries. I just wish they could manage some better scripted ongoing series.

Canada has more than one fighter jet?

H2O! Water! Listen! Hundreds... thousands of `gallons... as much as you want... Not far. Ten... maybe twenty miles. Pumping it they are. Refining it. Kachunk... kachunk... kachunk... Day and night. A huge tanker full.

Science deniers, hands down. If science can eliminate them or minimize their impact on society, we can get back to the business of saving the world.

I sincerely hope he drops a whale on Superman, like he did on Namor the last DC-Marvel crossover. That would b awesome. And then he could gut Supes with his trident and whisper "Who's laughing at Aquaman now, motherfucker?"

One other thing about container shipping is that it's slow. At my company, in Colorado in the US, it takes roughly six months for us to get a container of product that comes from Brazil. The longest delay is getting through customs at a US port.

Where is Buckaroo Banzai? The man's been through solid matter, for chrissakes. And why is there watermelon there?

It's obviously an homage to the beginning of Waterworld.

Oh, we used to DREAM of used matches. They would have been a Blaupunkt to us. We used to have to cut off our fingers and use the bones to make stick figures to tell OUR stories.