
It's pretty great that you guys share with the general public the exact step-by-step sequence to make this breach happen, thus making it that much more of a problem. Bang up job.

I agree. It is way too "plastic" for me. Besides, the regular engine noises sound pretty good IMO. There are a couple clips on youtube about how to disconnect that thing. Give it a shot this weekend, and I would imagine you will like the change.

I worried about this as well when I purchased my new GTI. After some research it appears that turbo coking and even octane really aren't that big of a problem anymore thanks to advancements in technology. Turbo timers have fallen out of vogue, and you can bet your lucky penny that if there were a real reason to "cool

As long as they fix the carbon problems with DI. Not sure how much of a problem it is on the newer DI engines, but I'd suspect the move to multiport / direct injection hybrids are due in part to carbon build up.

The "soundaktor" in your GTI does, in fact, pump sound through the speakers, which is why yours sounds like a vacuum cleaner. The first "mod" I did on mine was to disconnect that thing. It took me about 5 minutes to do, and it doesn't sound like a bad video game inside when I peg it now.

When I first read this I was pretty pumped... then I realized that when some nimrods ask how my GTI is different than a hipstered-out Golf I can no longer proudly say, "its got a turbo".

Indiana $2,698

I'm a teacher, and it's no secret we have been getting lambasted lately for the quality of students that get churned out of our education systems (of which we have little control, I might add).

After seeing things like this I'd argue that we are turning out kids that are perfectly prepared to follow in our

Cop: "I'm going to need to see your prescription card. Did you take your meds today?"

Seriously though, I don't get it. My 1 year old daughter breaks things if they don't work. Most of us generally tend to develop a better sense of conflict resolution by the time we can afford cars that don't come in blister packaging.

A better comparison IMO would have been said SHO vs. the fabled lumina Z34.

BMW Vs. Hyundai

After looking at the website and Facebook page for "XRC" it seems pretty clear that they specialize in tubbed pro-mod type dragsters with turbos and whatnot. There is no way on planet earth I'd bring a foreign supercar to them judging by their image.

Dang. You got me.. or should I say "u got me". You can call what you want, but I have no reason to make anything up, and I really shouldn't even waste my time trying to defend myself from such stupidity. It was a white '06 with low mileage if that helps. I'd say you need to ride in a real car if you think the ride is

I had one. Drove it for about a year and sold it. I don't really remember much about it, and I think that is why these cars suck. They are still just ho-hum cars. Some highlights after a lot of thinking:

I'd say this isn't in the U.S., or that teacher is probably fired for cruel and unusual punishment. I commend this sort of ingenuity, but as an educator, I can tell you that there is NO WAY in the WORLD I would dare do something like this to a student. 95% of parents today would sue you over it, or at least complain

It's not technically maintenance, but what the hell... if you own an old car you are going to need to replace this at least once, and 99.85 % of the time they are a MONSTER PITA. I can't tell you how many times I have looped a heater hose only to be stuck removing an entire dash assembly in late fall when I can no

I was just going to add this. I know my GTI ported into Huston from Germany. There is a small chance that Raymond "The Carpenter" Calitri is at it again...

Buick Grand National: It was too awesome for GM when it was produced. At the time this thing was running circles around nearly any sports car made. And it had a back seat that would fit adults. And it had decent fuel economy for the time. And it did it all with a V6. And it looked like something Darth Vader would

I agree... the styling is just off with this thing. I don't understand why people keep gushing about the looks of it. I can't even figure out the target audience for this thing. It has the external dimensions of a crown vic or a Buick, complete with massive overhangs; odd spider eye headlights; goofy cuddly front

I don't understand this... why is everyone strapping BMX bikes to their roofs for pictures? Is this a "stance" thing?