
What you’re basically saying here is you don’t have a problem with it, and didn’t buy them with the expectation that they’d be the original games, so it doesn’t matter to anyone who does. That’s pretty damn selfish man. Clearly the devs are on your wavelength, but hopefully Sony will intervene here for the people who

Buggy and terrible has never stopped people from trying to finish something before and so I’m not surprised it didn’t stop the trophy hunters now. And again, if this was a new game, I’d agree that it’s the player’s job to learn how the game works and get used to it, but that’s not what this is. Sony is selling it as

I feel like if you’re standing on a platform, then jump straight up and on landing get knocked off by the physics engine, it’s the engine at fault, not the player. If it was just the speed of the jump animation I would agree that people should get used to it, but this sounds like there may be both bugs and really

I was really young when it was in our house and so I only remember a handful of games (PC titles and Nintendo were really the first ones I heavily associate with gaming) but didn’t they kind of use up any fervor the community might have had for classic Atari gaming with the PS4 Atari Flashback Collections? They each

I’m really not surprised to hear this; every generation studios seem to have similar grumbling about licensing Unreal and finding out that while Epic seems to know the engine inside and out and have no problem customizing it for their own titles, the version they license is either lacking in those customized bits or

If I remember correctly the big problem with 13 was that the tool set they were using was not feature complete for the things they wanted to do in the game, and so things constantly kept changing while they redefined scope and bits and pieces of the tools were completed, and then at some point SquareEnix decided “XBox

Thank goodness, because I really did not like her character at all, and while most of the movie I just felt like she was background noise to make a few jokes, the moment they associated “MJ” with her it actually made the movie worse in retrospect for me. It looked like they were going to associate someone that I feel

I guess if it is looking at the future it would negate this, but we’re at least made to believe that Harry ultimately had a choice in being placed where he was, despite his attitude and experiences pushing him in two different directions. Since we only have his viewpoint we have no idea how many other times this may

Well, fortunately for them YouTube doesn’t care one way or the other, they’ll take things down with just a copyright claim, so unless they want to counter claim and take it to court over fair use, Capcom is probably always going to win whenever they want to. That’s not really fair, but it’s the truth. It is not

They do not, he is conflating copyright with trademark, which must be protected.

No, it does not. Please stop conflating copyright and trademark.

No, they do not, trademarks are at risk if a company does not protect them, copyright is not at all. So if Capcom has no intention of localizing these games, people have every right to be upset with them taking down the only efforts to translate them, years after they are relevant to the home market’s sales no less.

Our local Wendy’s declined to participate in that particular deal, and the food hasn’t been very fresh whenever I went before that, so I haven’t been back since.

Kings Quest 5 was indeed terrible in that respect.

I’m curious as to what the PS4 library looked like at the time of the Japanese launch, and if it was slanted heavily toward games that would be considered popular in the west. We know for a fact that Sony purposefully launched in the US first, so if the library was light on titles appealing to Japan at the time, it

For anyone who doesn’t know and may be interested, the DS version has almost zero load time like the original cart, is the closest to the original in aesthetic when adding the optional touch screen control mode, contains a whole bunch of extra content, including a super boss that ties the game into Chrono Cross and a

I’m not particularly surprised to see one of the big RPGs not make it, and if one had to be missed, I’m actually not too upset it was Chrono Trigger, but only because Chrono Trigger has such a superb DS port that it is effectively the definitive version of the game. The other versions of Final Fantasy VI all have

Oh god, with three of the most popular SNES RPGs on it, as well as a ton of classic action and platformer titles, this thing is going to be impossible to get hold of. I really hope Nintendo prepares a decent amount of stock so it doesn’t sell out seconds after getting posted.

Unfortunately at this point dozens of other games have come out, and I have never felt remotely compelled to go back to it. That’s the problem with game design that punishes the player for not noticing non-intuitive things right at the start, it pushes people to give up soon, and as the humor isn’t hitting for me at

That to me would seem like supremely bad game design, front loading a crazy and non-intuitive puzzle in a relatively boring area at the start of the game. It’s a good way to get people to stop playing (and as I replied to the other person who responded to this zombie post, it’s not from lack of adventure game