
Just FYI, I was around at the time and beat Monkey Island 1, 2, 3, most of 4 (before I walked away in disgust at how bad it was), Maniac Mansion, Day of the Tentacle, Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis, and a large number of Sierra titles from Kings Quest, Space Quest, Quest for Glory, and other random franchises. So no,

Given that he said he had a blast, something tells me that the players at the actual event likely had no issue whatsoever with him being there. They also probably didn’t even blink at the guy losing to a bad match up, which this clearly was. I’ve seen plenty of times where a professional player tweeted out after a

I’d just like to point out that, whether you personally think anything that has been removed in the games people get upset about is important or not, not once did preserving artistic integrity or intent come up in the discussions noted in the article. The director basically said “once the game is done, I don’t give a

The games for G.U. are canon as far as I’m aware. Someone in a discussion thread on it suggested the G.U. manga may not be as it does some things differently. The timeline on the wiki sets the G.U. games after the Legend of the Twilight manga and before .hack//Link.

Unfortunately I have to agree that the original series felt really dragged out, and the combat didn’t evolve nearly enough to merit it being 4 separate titles. Pretty much the only difference as the games went on were the number of infected enemies/zones, managing your infected status (which became increasingly

I’d love to see them personally, but they hold up way worse than the G.U. series of games, so I’m not surprised they didn’t do them first. Maybe if the G.U. remaster sells well they’ll give it a go.

This may be the thing that has most excited me this E3. I’ll be importing it day one and then picking up whatever translated release happens later on. I played through the 2nd and 3rd games untranslated the first time with almost no issues, so I’m happy to do it again.

At what point did I say I think E3 trailers are necessarily worth making? I said that they need to sell people on the game when they do decide to make a trailer for E3, and this was not remotely appropriate in the context. Honestly, if they’re at this rough a stage, I don’t think they should be anywhere near E3

Like I said, I think the person you’re describing mostly doesn’t exist. If someone was interested in Kingdom Hearts, they’ve at least somewhat followed along and know by now that the story hasn’t been on hold for 11 years. And no, I don’t think people coming in cold playing re-release collections what is likely

I really hope they put up 4k 60fps versions of these game trailers later this week. The quality of the live streams does nothing to impress upon me a difference in visual fidelity compared to the current consoles, and so many people were watching that I was having trouble even streaming at 1080p consistently.

What you’re saying here though is that this theoretical person is interested in Kingdom Hearts enough to have played KH1, possibly Chain of Memories, and KH2, but then dropped off the face of the earth for 11 years in terms of the games, not owning a PSP or 3DS to get either of those games, completely missed the PS3

Uh, I don’t think anyone who is interested in Kingdom Hearts for the story at this point is going into it not knowing that there’s a LOT of stuff to play through or read up on first. And the HD 1.5 & 2.5 remake pack at around $40 is a very easy to grab entry into the series for someone who was interested in it as of

To be fair, they have released multiple games since Kingdom Hearts II that are crucial to the story, they just weren’t on a Playstation. And at this point ALL of those games are in some form on the HD collections on PS4, so it’s not like they’re completely inaccessible due to being on those other platforms. You have

I don’t know what I’d consider to be rehashed between the three games, beyond some minor tutorials, but I would like to see the upgraded systems from the later two games merged into the first game if they were willing to do a bit of an overhaul. For example, in the first game the bike is basically worthless. It

Yeah, you’re conflating pre-production pitch videos to try and gather investors with what should have been shown here, a polished slice of the game that sells the game to distributors and the public. The people watching E3 are not looking for hitbox information or the aspects of the UI, they’re looking for a flashy

Regardless of whether I wasted my money, they still have to sell the game to other people who didn’t participate in the Kickstarter, and this is not a good trailer to do that. You generally don’t bring development reels to E3 and use them as your hype trailer, you bring a hype trailer that’s had a small section of the

Agreed, I don’t know what demo he’s referring to, because I’m a backer as well and that demo was “fine” but did not show off something I would consider to be amazing. And I also agree that this looks worse in some ways than the previous demo.

You seem to miss the point of what a vertical slice is. It’s meant to be a slice of the game that shows off what ideally the final build will look like, not a slideshow of in production video clips that have major issues and will make the game look bad. There are positives and negatives to vertical slices; when you do

This is a vertical slice being shown for E3 as an indicator of quality though. This looks almost exactly like the pre-production test footage from last year, but with more environments and a “boss fight” which looks really mediocre. If this was posted to a Kickstarter update as a preview of more environments, I would

Have you actually played a Castlevania game to compare this to? Many of these graphics look like they were sourced from a Unity assets pack and given touched up textures right now.