
How many Gawker writers were alive when the Crime Bill was passed with much support? They seem to be missing a whole lot of context and maybe this is why.

Both have renounced the Crime Bill.

That Crime Bill that Bernie voted for?

What the hell???

You are so very right. Crazy!

That’s a very good point. I wonder if that’s his actual birth name or a stage name that preceded his stage name?

How is this piece of shit still alive - and not incarcerated?

Exit! Stage left!

I’ve only had my wrist grabbed/twisted but I’ll never forget the feeling of being an aggressor’s target. Can’t imagine choking.

Toni Tenille (of Captain and Tenille fame) had a great answer when asked about looking for love post divorce!

Snagglepuss agrees!

I’m concerned for your friend and sorry he did that to you. Super scary.

Strangulation is a big fucking deal, you guys.

Going to rehab on lawyer’s advice so he will get a more favorable court judgement come May 19.

Except this...

Sadly, Robert Downey Jr is also a republican with similarly crazy justifications.

FRIED peanut butter and banana.

Oh my gosh, you are so right!

You are a lovely person and a great friend. My daughter is tall/early bloomer and has it pointed out to her regularly. One woman even used the word “giant”. Nobody ever goes up to a boy and exclaims “My gosh you are so short! Are you a dwarf?” - cuz that would be rude.