
My father owns arcade games. Classics. He got me started as young as two, on a step-stool, playing them. As I grew, I learned how to repair them, and worked with him. His games are now in storage, but one day, we hope to work together once again to put them in his home. I actually would like to use them for an "old

All my stars for this reference. I remember as a kid, sneaking awake late at night to catch that show. The whole preface of it - the cyberpunk - was amazing, to me. Max was truly revolutionary, and I wish we could have him back.

In the past, I have sunk to that level(calling out Totilo for working at MTV, which is the Devil, with my beard for one).


Ah, yes. Yet again, free speech is squelched by the LGBT agenda.

A very underrated title.

DDT is our friend.

From the company that is bringing you the Xbox One...

All of my recommendations.

A trans woman is only a woman in "her" psyche. They might LOOK like a woman, even THINK like one, but a woman has a vagina.

I just won't buy the thing. Microsoft definitely no longer has the gamer in mind, and they will lose this generation because of it.

I'll just go back to my TSR books. Cheaper. 2nd Edition, to me, is the superior version of Dungeons and Dragons. 3rd was OKAY...different. 4th is too Mumorpurgur for me.

This. All of this.

Trolling those who are complete dicks is fun to watch. I refer of course to the ubiquitous MinnesotaBurns, who usually targets cheaters in his trolls.

If that's what it costs in a city, I'll remain in my backwoods bomb shelter, thanks.

They actually sound good. As compared to the screamers I'm used to hearing. These guys are awesome. Spotify search, go!

I've been saying that for almost 20 years now.