
Coffee snobbery is for people who mistake thier opinion for fact. Have you ever tried Nespresso? It's just fine (rather good, acually) when preferred methods aren't practpractical.

Agreed. One of the things that the author fails to mention is the diversion of your spending dollars from, say, the local Target, to Amazon. Once it's free you're golden. Saves me and the missus a ton of time when all of our mundane shopping can be done at one store from the comfort of wherever the hell we are. And

You can't fax glitter!

And only $350 on w00t today, so there's that...

I disagree. As somebody who is a total specs whore and has $500 burning a hole in his pocket right now for an iPad, I'm having a hard time seeing why I should get an iPad instead of a Fire. I wanted an iPad over other devices for three main reasons: build quality, user interface that doesn't suck, and content. I think

But better than the iPad, no? I mean, same resolution but higher density. So, compared to what and at what price?

I was hours away from going out the door to buy an iPad. Given that I don't need a camera, 3G, or an accelerometer , why should I still consider the iPad? The only thing it has going for it is Apple build quality and some hardware that I don't need. If I want mobile access, I can just use my iPhone as a mobile

Disappointing. I though this was an article about a well-endowed graduate student.

Why bother with the pretenses? If you're going to be a douchebag, why not just be a douchebag? Why bother justifying it to yourself or others?

Ayn Rand would be so proud of you. Take what you can and look out for number one. Amen, fellow douchebag.

Yeah, screw them. If they're dumb enough not to littler their offer with fine print and legalese that's their problem. They should get smart and draft a 10 page EULA like everybody else. Until then, screw them.

But will it include the amazing new feature called "Exchange Sync That Actually Works?" I find it absurd that anybody is touting amazing new features while the Droid 2 (Global) is utterly useless as an enterprise solution. I have an iPhone 4 and a Droid 2. I also have an unabiding, deep-seeded hatred for Apple. But

@liveinabin: With the exception of those who cannot look on due to an oppressive regime which denies them the right to access information freely...

@infmom: See, the problem here is that you have no moderation in your point of view. Note that any presence of alcohol is a "gin-soaked part." Anybody who would like to have a drink during a social event and is peeved that they cannot is undoubtedly an alcoholic. Their objection is not one of basic comfort and

@infmom: Note that people's ability to taste "bitter," amongst other things, varies from person to person. So while one person may find the very taste of alcohol vile, others may not notice the bitterness at all. Still others learn to tolerate or even like it. It's not so much a matter of opinion as it is a matter of

@Interstella5555: No Mexican dirt weed is going for $100/quarter. $50 max.

@zenneth: Yup missing a zero. Did all my calculations on 3 tons despite saying 30. My bad. Other than that, I stand by my assumptions and street prices. Which are pretty much in line with yours.

@zenneth: Whaaa? It's Mexican. Dry, shitty brick weed. Now, it's been many years since I bought any weed, and many, many more since I purchased Mexican brick weed, but that garbage went for $50/quarter ounce at best. 30 tones = 6,000 lbs = 96,000 ounces = $19,200,000. In order for it to be work as much as $400