
@Uncle_Billy_Slumming: You paid $2,500 for a GPS unit?!? Decent deal on the Regal, though...

Binks. Lucas can never be forgiven for Rastafaria, amphibious Ewoks. NEVER!!!!

@Luke MacDonald: Hey, let's go car shopping! My parents said if I got all B's they'd buy me a bar. And I got all C's!

@SoulCrux: Can we please make all comments in the vein of "what does this have to do with technology" an instant and permanent ban? Perhaps dispatch a team of elite commandos, teamed with the cyberpolice, to track down said commenter and exterminate them, their family, friends, pets, etc? Just askin'...

@OMEGAMAN: Just watch out for that tube clamp. Ouch.

"The enemies of juice and wine are two: oxygen and heat. Inside that chamber, neither exists."

What about celebrity likeness? That's clearly Sexual Harassment Panda in the second screen..

@Tha36thchamber: Sounds to me like you'd make an excellent cop. Just remember to yell, "Stop resisting!" before pummeling your target.

@Celtic1888: "Looking back, who was it that through their old porn mags in the bushes?"

@kingcrim84: I had an almost identical experience after finding my best friend's parents' porn stash. Debbie Does Dallas both titillated and disgusted, and I didn't know why. All I knew was that I couldn't eat yogurt for about a year afterward...

@verspasian: The same way we know about Ramadan, ritual scarification, and the Chinese New Year? By not living under a rock and learning about other people's cultures?

@ludwigk: I think you meant "kinetically powered FLESHlight." No need to thank me.

@spydr101: I was being facetious. I greatly prefer Ethernet to wi-fi for the reasons I mentioned. It was more a defense of my beloved BOGB than of HDMI. Though now that you mention it, I woudl take a reliable, high-bandwidth wired connection over the flaky nature of wireless.

@whatne1wuddo: They're a reliable , stable connection that carry more bandwidth than most commercially available wireless technologies while providing greater security? Wow, I didn't know HDMI could do all that :-)

I'm a subscriber and would like this app. But I'm really very annoyed by their business model. Despite being a subscriber (6 issues for $25.00, which is extortionate for a magazine) I must pay an additional annual fee to get on-line content (another $35/year). And Kimball is such a whiny prick about it, too. "Oooh,

@evanminn01: I have no idea how my friends use Facebook, because as far as I know none of the people I continue to maintain a relationship with uses it. I find the concept of posting details about my life for consumption by a large numbers of people (friends or otherwise) vaguely narcissistic. As such, I feel that the