How far can you punt a football? Asking for a friend. (He's an NFL GM.)
(He's laughing.)
(He's calling all his GM buddies.)
(They're laughing.)
(They're still laughing.)
(They're watching tapes of you punting a football and puking from laughing.)
(They're deciding which one is gonna call you and pretend to…
If they're going to follow a dead guy onto the field, I'd much rather it be Darren Rovell.
How the hell could you confuse the two?
Well if those DBs would stop niggling him, maybe the problem would solve itself.
I understand really tight coverage can be frustrating, Riley, but perhaps there was a better word to describe it than "nagging."
Two Bucs for anything is the best deal a Redskin ever received.
The lacing is fake. That's kind of bootleg.
Joe Flacco offered US Hockey a free redesign
I understand it's borderline blasphemy, according to some, to point out that Ralph Wiley wasn't really very good, but Ralph Wiley wasn't really very good.
If you want all of ESPN to avoid mentioning "Redskins", just get them to switch names with the Capitals.
They put on a Reds uniform, fell asleep, and then shit the bed?
Who's next to join the Kiss My Ass club?
*Except America's.
Or as Riley Cooper calls them, "Traitor Logs".
Can't we let this kid be an asshole college student in peace?? Stop bitching and fucking adapt, internetz.
what the fuck am I watching?
Tracy i will never forget this article you wrote on Roman Polanski in which you screencapped a convo with a friend, the convo was vile it was full of "slut shaming" and victim blaming a 13 year old.
Unfortunately, being the United States Postal Service, they didn't recieve the first notification of allegations until yesterday.