Hyper-competitive rich girl living in fame-insulated bubble makes insensitive blather about controversial issue, doubles down with narcissistic shade-throwing evasive non-apology.
Hyper-competitive rich girl living in fame-insulated bubble makes insensitive blather about controversial issue, doubles down with narcissistic shade-throwing evasive non-apology.
It's been a few years since I've seen the original movie, and I don't remember any scenes of her that were suggestive or sexualized (unlike, say, The Professional)- which I suppose makes it even worse that the playground binoculars crew latched onto it so heavily.
People that fetishize it as a child-rearing tool have generally Neanderthal attitudes on everything else involved with the kid too- so I can see where you're coming from.
Sometimes these pieces are so New York-centric they're almost physically painful to read.
oh yeah, I meant basic citizenship stuff for everyone. Then if you've got higher ed ambitions, take your AP stuff while the proles chill in metal shop or yearbook.
Yeah, a lot of basic citizenship stuff has evaporated from class curricula. If we're up against a finite amount of class time, I'd actually remove some of the upper level math and history requirements in favor of things like finance, auto shop, and basic American law as graduation requirements.
It was nice to get an elite rapper that was not only unwilling to use homophobic lyrics, but willing to tackle hip-hop's homophobia problem. I guess I'll get to wait another generation for one with the balls to do the same when it comes to rap's ingrained misogyny.
Some basic level of auto shop class should be a prerequisite for getting your driver's license. You're driving a two ton object at speeds capable of disintegrating people- it'd probably be good if you had to learn at least the basic level of maintenance needed to keep it safely operating.
Yes, they did.
There was no grip, it was a playful tiff.
If you want to argue for taking Cosmopolitan seriously as a magazine, then don't get huffy at all if MRAs advance the same argument for something on the order of Maxim. They're about on the same intellectual level.
I laugh the hardest at apologies that are worse than the original offense.
Seems like the "spiritual adviser" deserves to have their name in this article. If they're acting as Secret Police for the Campus Crusade, other students deserve to know that their talks are not going to be held to any kind of confidence.
"going up against" implies direct effort in opposition to those wealthy conservatives.
ExxonMobil. One word, no e, no humanity. #corrections.
You're obviously confused. That tweet is 11 months old.
He's also involved with a sex scandal of his own but I guess cats are more attention-grabbing:
This would have been a pretty decent movie for whatever number of Superman clones other comic companies have created. As a Superman movie, it's pretty shitty.