
yo that’s also why i stopped gaming on my laptops, lol. i shouldn’t have to wear headphones to have fun.

yeah, i sold mine because i couldn’t play it without headphones on, the noise was too irritating.

they explicitly stated that nothing is planned until april of 2025

liquidation sale

i think there are also arguments that by the time is was massively accessible two years after its debut, it was already underpowered. the psvr2, for instance, was initially amazing with GT7 but the resolution bottleneck eventually wore me down. and the psvr2 can delivered that 4k resolution, it’s just the the ps5

no, she’s trying to keep it from a group of terrorists who she believes murdered her father and have been hounding her across the world. she acts with incomplete information, but with the right intention.

waiting two to three years to play exclusives that may never arrive, and saying that’s an objectively better approach to gaming than buying games when they’re actually at their peak culturally relevance, is certainly a choice. i’m not sure i would recommend that to your average teenage gamer, though. it honestly only

Ps5s are selling two to none in my house, incidentally.

the film was so long that even a few minutes longer would’ve impacted the number of screenings per day. i’m sure that was part of the calculus motivating the cuts. 

which only works when the games are great. no point in buying any gaming system if the games suck, after all. 

i think it’s just that, fundamentally, most people think about gaming differently than they think about movies or television. personally i don’t “binge” games, and prefer to know that once i’ve bought it, that it will remain attached to my account.

can you put together a sentence that isn’t just a copy and paste of someone else’s words? 

the Switch: Book 3 and 4

wow, they will really be rushing visfx, eh? can’t say my expectations have ever been too high for this series. 

when you phrase it like this, it sure makes me want to agree that getting beheaded by a rollercoaster track is the preferred fate.

many, many gamers around the world are psychologically underdeveloped. 

well, it’s not just that. it’s not that they are complaining about TLOU2 being ‘too cinematic-driven’, they were just appalled at the creative choices. they didn’t like the movie they were forced to watch in order to get back to the gameplay, because it didn’t correspond to how they had psychologically attached

the release of the OG Switch also required a heavy marketing campaign to recover from the WiiU bombing. Nintendo could be taking a new leaf here and marketing their next Switch the way Apple drops a new iPhone.

the original nintendo switch launched on march 7...

the SwUtch to acknowledge its heritage with the venerable Wii U.