
what if it is though? you have to admit you’re redefining a lot of words here for your own benefit.

candyman was also pretty inconsistent, i thought, and structurally poor. she may just not be experienced enough, or good enough, to be working at this level. 

Nintendo is not currently offering any game subscription service’

yeah, that shot with the buzz cut is clearly a call-back to the final scene of the first film, leading me to believe this may be the final shot of the film. that being said, my bet is that at some point her hair gets burnt off her head, and she decides to keep it that way.

walking and exploring is a gameplay mechanic. the fact that you infer that a walking simulator doesn’t have gameplay mechanics is more or less the issue with how “walking simulator” has been used to misrepresent a style of game.

“too many people”, and you know that how, lmfao.

their poor brains have been thoroughly rotted by pandemic paranoia. it’s sad to see.

chris judge’s speech has been just about the sole highlight of this long-running scam, lmao. 

it took them literally decades to get the spider-man game formula right—or at least for them to circle back to why the spider-man 2 game from 2004 was so good. forgive me, but a lot of superhero games would just be generic fighting games—what’s cool about spider-man is how his traversal is the best gameplay mechanic,

just because you can’t discern the qualitative differences doesn’t mean they don’t exist. viewer taste certainly isn’t random. aren’t you guided by your taste to see one movie, or play one game vs another? or do you have so much disposable income, or rely upon your parents, that you just consume everything? adults,

“cunning nut”

AI is already in full swing. has been for the past year. 

or the second, or the third...

this is somewhat reductive. AI tools have already radically transformed the workflows of multiple industries. it’s not a pipe dream. it’s here to stay, because it’s useful for productivity.

mercury glands

i don’t think it can lose money. it’s basically a screen. they’re probably making more than a hundred dollars in profit off of every one sold.

no reviews can be trusted anymore. every journalist is just looking to maintain their access. 

this will primarily be purchased by parents for their kids for christmas. it’s the ultimate convenience device to get kids off the television.

you know who would be a great zelda? you guessed it— frank stallone.

Shin’s Kubrickian approach to spectacle and drama will continue to set it apart i think—because it’s such a peculiar vibe for a monster-disaster film. i love the look of this film but it appears to be the first Japanese film align itself with Gareth Edwards’ approach.