
Truly HamNo is the Brooks our generation needs.

What’s wrong with the headlights exactly? Not enough lumens?

Is that picture up top... real?

“was violating [the officer’s] personal space,”

Look all that gear that fucking cop has on! Patrolling the hardwood in a full vest and shit.

What’s with the seat belt in the trunk?


It had an amazon pick slip inside.

I had that happen recently and was pretty bummed about it.

Terrific illustration work. You guys always have good artists

Just sell me this thing! Maybe extend the bed to 6', but give me this!

People are weird as hell

It was the Weekly. (RIP City Paper)

Philadelphia Will Do! (and still does)

Basically every new car made

I’m very jealous, as you can tell

You guys got a half day! You jerks!

Poor form by Rodgers. Gotta block that jaw and create a clear opening for the runner

Everything in that episode was dumb as hell, so dumb that even thinking about it makes my brain hurt and I can’t think anything because my brain is just screaming DUMB DUMB DUMBD UDMDUMNDUMB DUMB over and over

I’m not broke! I just don’t have... [checks accounts] car money...