
I'm pretty damn sure that Geof Keighley guy over at gametrailers knows a thing or two about it since he's way up in there and hosting the event on t.v

She knows she's going to get the D

Everyone knows that Sony's first party studios tend to show what the system can do than third party studios.

This needs to be done. Please tell or send to people.

This gif is pretty damn amazing

Oh and have the same info at the end detailing the time the conference will be held

Can someone with exquisite shopping skillz PLEASE create the MOTHER of ALL gifs regarding the hype of Sony's E3. I have this task for you great shopper. Okay here we go. I need you to include the same E3 opening scene from this iron man gif. After the E3 opening scene include the Iron man 3 scene where Tony

OMG that gif had me laughing haaaard

Mother of gaawwed. Does it play insanely catchy tunes while the toaster is getting ready? because that would be a serious candidate for best toaster ever.

make this 49 times more faster and scaled down and then we'll talk... baby steps

Hanna Montana hair

Never tasted these. Flavor just sounds disgusting.

These were pretty good.

mother of gaaawwwd that second one

Plaid is back baby :3

I am all for them having inclusion in the game or having a separate game. The only thing that is missing is exposure and women's football having top class leagues around the world of which I think there's hardly enough to justify the demand for a game. Once they have established top class quality premier leagues

Please seek help. Living in denial is not good for your health. NFL or handball is the most overrated POS "sport" I have ever seen. Let me know when they step up like rugby and not use pads all over their body mmmkay. kay..

I was looking for a Sony related article to post this on. So here you go. Saw it over at PSLS it was glorious.

I was looking for a Sony related article to post this on. So here you go. Saw it over at PSLS it was glorious.

head size to body armor ratio does not compute... detonation in 3..2...1..