Gravity Maguire

There better be at least one Cats joke. I'll buy two tickets if there's a Cats butthole joke. (Zero tickets if it involves a James Corden cameo tho)

Election day should be a paid national holiday. Many of my coworkers feared going to vote on lunch because they thought they’d get busted and fired for taking too long. Me, I lived in the area of my job, so I’d just walk and come back after I was done. It should be done. In America, we treat our jobs like a literal

Lower voter turnout, “some” people being turned away at the polls, mail-in ballots that aren’t postmarked in time from “some” zipcodes.

I’m sorry, I need to bring up another subject that’s a little bit off-topic.

don’t forget the bonus points that come along with this particular stunt: that old canard - championed by First Wave Feminists for Fetuses - that Anthony was “one of the good ones”. See everyone? Trump is all about feminism! Pwn the libs!

Because this is without her consent, like his take on all women. She didn’t want to be pardoned.

Trump: “So if Susie’s dead, why are we pardoning her?”

Harry is said to be super proud of himself for taking out a $9.5 million mortgage to purchase the estate without getting help from his dad, Prince Charles

Congratulations! Mortgage interest rates are CRAZY low right now so this could work out really well for you! 

It was my understanding that it is a deferral and people will owe the payroll tax at the end of the year unless he is re-elected at which point it won’t need to be paid back? So it’s what technically a loan with unclear terms?

Also his whole spiel that he’s had to step in to save the day from obstructionist Dems is such a blatant lie. That nothing got done is McConnell’s fault (aaaaahhhhhgain!) and probably part of a plan so President It Is What It Is could cosplay the strongman hero before the election. Outside of the payroll tax cut and

Guys. I finally got a new job. I’m a federal employee stuck at the same level seven years and have been doing the same thing for a decade. This is a promotion in a new, bigger, bluer city. It’s a much better location than the promotion I applied for last year in my current location, so I am pretty stunned they picked

The payroll tax cut doesn’t put all that much more money in working people’s pockets, either. It another tax cut for big business and the opening the fascists have been looking for to start tearing down Social Security. Also isn’t the legality of his EO in question as he’s usurping Congress’s authority over spending?

Back when I was getting unemployment in 2009/2010, the GOP would bitch and moan every time there was a push to extend benefits, saying that it kept people from looking for work. And every time I heard one of those motherfuckers make that dumb argument I was like “These are the words of someone who has NEVER had to

Very much. It only gets harder to control them as they age. But narcissists believe it is for the best because their children aren’t separate beings. So, that leads to more controlling and manipulative behavior over time.

My kid is almost 4.  There is really no “controlling” her.  The few times my parents have spent

To be fair, many narcissists adore and dote on their children — until the children have a mind of their own and an opinion to express. Around age three. And then all bets are off (especially for the same-gender child).

I was kinda joking at first, but I’ve realized how much fucking money they would bring in if they put up BTS statues. They’re like the biggest act on the entire planet. Tons & tons of tourism dollars.

My camera date is wrong.  It was in July og 98. He got death threats making it. She is standing in the street, smoking and looking at it grimly. It cracks me up. She loved me but was disappointed that the history she’d taught me was dead as I heard it. I didn’t pass it to my kids. Ashe should stay.

Elsewhere in Virginia, Fairfax County just changed the name of Robert E. Lee High School to John R. Lewis High School. A trend of renaming things from loser Confederate soldiers to Civil Rights icons won’t be enough to salvage 2020, but it would still be nice.

Look, I don’t care where they tell it as long as it gets told.