Gravity Maguire

While I certainly hope for great happiness for Demi and I know that was the intent of saying, “It seems that she has found that happiness, in the arms of Max Ehrich...” I strongly believe that one of the great disservice that our culture does to relationships is perpetuate the idea that someone else will make you

Speaking as someone with the “most severe” firm of bipolar (type I with rapid cycling and psychosis), I agree. This long-term unhinged behavior seems more performative than symptomatic of bipolar. The main tell for me is that this behavior is a steady occurence, while bipolar is cyclical. To me it looks like he took

People who are mentally ill can also be assholes independent of their mental illness, add to that that mental illness doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Kanye West is BOTH mentally ill and an egomaniac asshole. Even with meds he’ll stay a narcissistic dick hole lol

It’s fairly well known that he suffers from bi-polar disorder and has been off his meds for years. I still recall the concert he did where he did a rambling rap/spoke word speech where he mentioned no longer taking his medicine.

That’s a great point.

You know what? I’d date Charlize. Not (just) because she’s hot and talented and famous but because she seems like a really fun person to date. Like, she’d have ideas of what to do but not overwhelm you, nor would she be all mousy and refuse to offer any opinions on anything.

Even in southern jersey the hospital system my husband works at had refrigeration units for extra morgue space.

Wishing you a swift recovery. Please continue to let us know how you are.

California is pretty shit right now, too. I have had covid symptoms since Friday (low fever and aches with flu-y tingly skin and now diarrhea) and a test pending even though I have done fucking everything right. I wear a mask every time I leave the house, even if I’m just going down to my car or to get my mail. I put

And there are no guarantees. It isn’t just the red states.

I mean, he might be a rich, privileged jerk, but he supports BLM and police reform, realizes COVID is An Actual Thing, reportedly doesn’t want any more kids, and is now single. Pros outweigh the cons for me. Yo, Armie! Hit me up!

BLM is about wearing masks though. BIPOC folks are at high risk for COVID on almost every level: access to healthcare, pre existing conditions/comorbidities, living in more densely populated areas, working in essential fields, etc etc etc. People not wearing masks are being careless because they think they’ll be fine

it was “a joy to help heal somebody,” although I wouldn’t necessarily describe bringing a much younger person into your relationship to mentor them, then pursuing a relationship with them after separating from your husband, as “healing.”

I’m disabled. The speed at which the world took pains to caution me to stay home, so they could play soccer and go to Happy Hour guilt-free, still has me enraged. They pretended like they cared. They believed they cared, most of them. Yeah. They cared about soccer and cocktails! Talk about pissing on a bitch and

“I feel threatened" seems to be a trigger phrase they think releases them from any responsibility for their behavior. 

That dude was concealed carrying. The shouting of ‘I FEEL THREATENED!!was him setting up his stand your ground defense in case that encounter ended in him shooting someone. 

I’ll be honest. I always was of the opinion that we could have a hybrid of people insured by their employers, and a single payer health care system. So, people who are employed can have their insurance through their jobs, and those who are self-employed or unemployed can pay into the single payer health care system.

A bit OT but a reminder: Have all your medical directives, instructions, end of life\funeral plans in order and available to whoever needs to have them.

Here’s the thing: remember this story. Because, at some point in time in the possibly very near future, you are going to be minding your own damned business when somebody you know or work with is going to have their ‘tic rage going and make that oft-repeated talking point that nobody without insurance is getting