Gravity Maguire

A known symptom of The Delusion of White Supremacy™ is the belief that all good things are only good because of the inclusion of whiteness. 

Well, isn’t it always easier to direct rage at a woman than to put that rage where it belongs....on all the asshat males in the military who continue to turn a blind eye to the rape and harassment of our female troops?

..........................oh my god, what!!!!  Where do people come up with these recipes?!   The oyster crackers one just makes me shrivel up a little inside, but it had to have been good if it was made repeatedly!  I trust you, but I’m afraid!

People cope with tragedy in different ways. She probably felt the feeling of support from a wider community was comforting.

How was her tone in any way opaque? No one uses “good ole boys club” in a positive way. I know enough women veterans to realize that you get desensitized to sexual harassment in the army. Not in a way that makes you unsympathetic to victims, but in a way where your tone is casual/defeated/empty when talking about that

Her use of the term “good ole boy club” made it perfectly clear, but here we are.

Kanye has been planning this for years”

A former co-worker convinced me to try a particularly odd sandwich - peanut butter, concord grape jelly and slightly crumbled nacho cheese Doritos on white bread.

Discovered I’m tired of a specific extremely lazy lunch food I thought I’d be happier with longer, so.... now I have a whole bag of frozen chicken nuggets staring at me. I did make taco meat earlier this week, and just made chili now (chili rice! chili + rice is somehow even more delicious).

And while I absolutely love that, the movie was kinda bad. But then, I wanted Monica Rambeau as Cap.

I wish I could tell her what lies ahead. This is a journey for the rest of her life and his, and it will never, ever be anything like she had imagined or even close to what she imagines now. The man she is married is gone. Forever. He is not coming back. She needs to prepare herself for the hard truth that is he will

Dropkick Murphys: have played two virtual concerts since Shit Went Down. I saw both of them.

You say you need a new nightmare for your list? Well according to Politico, Tucker Carlson is the early front runner for the 2024 GOP Presidential nomination.

I came back to the office after lunch and there was car parked across the street with !!!TEXAS LICENSE PLATES!!! and goddamn if we didn’t have to have a meeting right away about what to do.

Yeah, isn’t this a civil matter? If she’s violating an NDA, she would be sued, right? Also wouldn’t the book have to come out first before the NDA is violated? Like you’d use the NDA to threaten before publication but until it out here where is the foul?

Who is the dumbass judge in this case?  Prior restraint is basically always unconstitutional. If the release of the book would violate an NDA, the remedy is damages under the NDA, not an injunction. This judge would get an F in any First Amendment law class. 

Okay, so we are still gonna have a flag to change at the end of this. Fucking great.

By the way, and I’ve mentioned this several times before, but when the epidemic was starting to hit the US, the Daily did an interview with the NYT reporter covering the disease. It was a really stark interview, and one of the few times the host showed breaking in the face of the reporter’s view of the situation and

I’m in NJ and I unfortunately expect our numbers to spike again shortly with what I’ve seen along the shore and people visiting for day trips and staycations.  That and restaurants and bars having outside dining again. 

Speaking of New York, I was very happy to read this report this morning confirming that the Black Lives Matter protests over the past month haven’t caused a spike in new coronavirus cases in NYC: