Gravity Maguire

In this episode of Shitting in the Wrong Place we congratulate this one for the ultimate prize of shitting in the most perfectly wrong place.

As a former Girl Scout I thought it was weird to make a loop that tightens when you pull on it and use that for a door pull. As opposed to a loop that doesn’t slip.

The IRS–wait, let me sure I’ve got this—purposefully sent stimulus checks to more than 1 million dead people?

Yup. This hits a nerve with me, as it reminds me of online dating in my mid-thirties before I met the now-father of my child (who happens to be four years my junior, as most of the men my own age at the time already seemed to be freaking out and pursuing 25-year-olds).

Conservatives threatening us with a good time again!

Is that the narrative that’s being sold? Every time I talk to people, they seem so nervous that Biden won’t win. If you told my friends Biden had a 14-point lead, they’d think it’s not big enough.

Thank goodness no one has ever said anything to me...I might not be able to resist punching them in the face.

“Look out voters, if you’re young and dynamic and you vote for a young dynamic Democrat like AOC, you’re going to end up with a government controlled by young dynamic people instead of really really old rich white men!” - Lindsey Graham.

Federal gov’t is not silent. They are ending funding to testing sites in Texas, Illinois, New Jersey, Colorado, and Pennsylvania. Disgusting.

How do those dingbats in the Florida video feel about nurses and surgeons wearing masks during surgery? How about dentist and dental hygienists? That lady talking about taking away god’s perfect breathing system sounded like her breathing system isn’t working at 100% capacity.

So Republicans are trying to make AOC the face of the Democratic Party because, why again? Like, do they think that having a young, charismatic, intelligent person who has proven herself extraordinarily effective at communication is going to hurt Democrats?

Can we please all agree to stop spreading the false message that Joe Biden is a sure win in November? We cannot afford to get complacent and have a repeat of 2016.

Yup. My last day of high school was also the day of my history exam.

What I took away from this is that 6 years ago, when Justin and Selena were at a huge peak, had a reservation at a LA QUINTA INN that was messed up and THEN deigned to stay at an airbnb and a Westin. In AUSTIN TEXAS. Uh huh. Sure. OK. Nothing to see here.

Okay, so I wasn’t the only one weirded out by everyone seemingly losing their shit over this casting. I can think of far more bizarre pics, and most of them are far more conventional actresses.

Or that he didn’t actually get away with it.  My first thought, “No kidding.  He is actually going to trial for this.  That’s nice for a change.” 

I’m so sorry this happened to you, and that all this is still happening. I don’t have any magic words to make any of this go away right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I care about what happened to you.

Thank you so much for writing this. I know the first things the police unions are going to say about defunding is “who will protect your women?”

this has been a super triggering week for me, encountering “but what about rape?” as a counter to defunding, over and over and over again. My rapist is a police officer in my city, and I have barely talked about it before this week, but now I’ve been sharing it every fucking time this bullshit take comes up.

NASCAR will still wave the Confederate flag to signal the start of the last lap though, as is tradition.