Gravity Maguire

Natural deodorant is not necessarily trash. It’s a process of trial and error before you find the right one (or ones, if you’re lucky). And before you say, “You probably reek and don’t even know it,” I have many people in my life (large family with several siblings, pointed mother, blunt husband) who would tell me in

Does this dude cry tears when he has to wear a shirt and shoes to go to Applebee’s? Does he show up at a closed Macy’s at three in the morning, with his pet goat, and angrily tweet that “the libs/lefties” are taking away his “freedoms” by not allowing him and his furry friend to shop when and how he wants? Is online

For the umpteenth time, J Crew is not shutting down. It filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, i.e., reorganization, toward the goal of restructuring debt and staying in business. Every time you guys post about a business’s bankruptcy, you assume it automatically means going out of business (which would be Chapter 7). And

Is it weird that I sometimes fantasize about divorcing my husband just so that we can share custody of our kid and I can have some alone time? Like my husband and I can still hang out if we’re divorced, I just want like 2-3 days a week where nobody wants anything from me, and I don’t have to justify my decisions to

Honestly, I haven't noticed much of a difference in my relationship with my partner of 9 years. He's dealing with some family issues and I'm dealing with an ed relapse, but our relationship is as good as ever. We do have separate bedrooms and bathrooms though, which i think helps mitigate the feeling on being trapped

Exactly! And you can’t make people participate in your bullshit. I spent so much time, and created so much hurt for others, in thinking I could just keep inserting myself into other peoples’ lives to try to “repay” or “make it up to them” after I did stupid, hurtful shit. I then felt like the victim when people would

I was so happy to see that the advise was don’t tell her.  If you tell your wife you will transfer the emotional pain and burden of the secret to her, you will feel better, she will feel worse.  And it is unlikely your relationship will recover. This your pain and shame to endure. 

You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.

Sometimes you just have to stand there in your wrongness and be wrong. That might mean telling the truth and dealing with the consequences, or it might mean keeping it to yourself and dealing with that emotional burden. Only you can determine which option is the better one based on the specifics of your relationship

I am 100% ok with all these plague rats heading out to the bars, squeeze your ass in there, high five your buds, drink too much, have to use the bathroom a lot and get the virus from the hand dryer, the taps, the flushing toilet... all of it. Unfortunately you will likely take others with you to your death beds -

As others have said they see temporary inconvenience as oppression because they have no clue what real oppression is like.

And Marla only gets paid while Tiffany is in school, so she’ll be enrolling in a Master’s program any minute.

Honestly, in that picture I thought she looked better than she does with all the professional stuff!

It’s the only smart choice. Hell, I work at a regular ass bar (though, like many venues, we cosplay as a nightclub on the weekends) and feel that the nightlife industry as a whole has no business coming back at all until a vaccine exists.

My JCPenney’s actually had reasonably trendy clothing for teenagers! I remember having to be creative with it, but it was better than the only other options available to teenage me: Limited Too and Ambercrombie, where I’m fairly certain that even my 100lb 15 year old self was too large to fit in to. 

Oh man, I remember being so excited when the Wishbook showed up.

All my black work pants are from here. I am 42 and short and fat and I can get pants that I can wear right away and they don’t need to be hemmed. It is also the only place on either I can find soft, thin t-shirts in a variety of *solid* colors that are plus size and drapey, but still fitted without being too tight :(

This makes me a bit sad. Penney’s was the only place I could get plus-sized clothes as fat teen in pre-Lane Bryant days. They also had a really cool book section and a whiskey bread pudding in the restaurant (which I was somehow allowed to eat as a child in the 70s/80s).

I’m with you. It’s hard to find affordable plus size work clothes, and Penney’s has always been my go-to. It’s also good for decent priced jeans for my son and video game T-shirts that aren’t the same Target ones every other single kid at school wears.

I think more people should realize that between layaway and store credit cards, for much of the time and even to this day to some extent, retail anchor chains were the only real source of reasonably-priced credit available to many low-income people and minorities. Their loss is going to hurt communities, as much as