Gravity Maguire

Neither is safe on an airplane, according to my MiL, who corners the market on alarm.

My husband is the reason we’ll never have kids (he’s 100% not into it, I could go either way) and he also won’t get one. Thank goodness I’m already treating some unfortunate cysts with the nuvaring anyway.

Also, my god, his friends sound like total shitheels — like parodies of British upper class asshats — and hers (and her mom) sound lovely and supportive and concerned. One of them had to move away to be with the other, and I’d choose her city and her friends over his and his family any day.

My sense from reading their website is that “financially independent” is essentially a term of art for the royals. They’re joining the ranks of royals who don’t receive funding from the taxpayers. The relevant page on their website it exhaustingly thorough and specific.

Mental illness, no? And the drugs can’t have helped.

I’m all in if she decides to launch her own social network. Death to trolls!

I vote for this! None of this 40 hours in four days shit, either! Fewer hours but more productive totally works and should be the norm.

Yes! And the remedy, spraying yourself with vinegar, is not particularly helpful!

It’s what I’ve wanted all along!

I’m pretty sure there was also a bro-tastic form of therapy called Radix that involved working out while talking about your feelings?

Straws in general also give you gas! That said, silicone > glass > metal > paper > plastic.

Jill Goodacre was a BFD back in the day, and I, for one, would support the use of her name in DirtBag!

I do not believe that “lob” means what you think it means.

All those big strong men rioting to keep a woman from speaking. 

That is a magnificent headline. Thank you for that.

Yes! Absolutely! But only one. The rest of those assholes can suck it.

No doubt that record label’s betting he’s the next Tupac.

You know, I disagree. I’ve had blow outs and I’ve curled my own hair and that 100% looks like home-curled hair by a woman who doesn’t know how to do a blow out. It’s hot rollers, no brush. Which, tbh, is all I’m capable of too.

Or the Native American one.