Gravity Maguire

Let’s continue this collaboration: “Tough on minorities.”

So much for “tough on crime” Texas.

If only.

I thought — and especially given the evidence the prosecution brought today — that that was 100% performative remorse.

It’s the new version of having a kid to save the marriage!

I was present at what I believe to have been the first public performance by Tenacious D but was so drunk that I remember nothing but the Neil Diamond impersonator and Pierce-O the Clown (sp?). Afterwards I came away thinking they’d rapped and was not set straight until after I mentioned having been there to a friend

Our pittie sheds like crazy. It’s her most aggressive trait.

Why would I give up my “yes, I heard what you said and now I’m *really* mad face” just so people get the false impression that I’m cool cool with it all over minor annoyances?

Also, I am currently drinking pink wine in a laundromat only a few miles from where Trump is attempting, this evening, to convince someone (but I suspect not actual Hispanics) that he loves the Hispanics. Can I get a whut whut?

I’m just so glad, at the end of a long day, to check in here and see news about the Democratic contenders. Like, good or bad, I can just skip over the Trump tweets and focus on the fact that there’s still one party that doesn’t make me want to drown myself and my dogs.

I think we’d see a combo of the following:

I think Trump asked his brain trust why he should care about some storm menacing any state but Florida (or really, any location but Mar-a-Lago), and they came up with a list of states that voted for Trump in 2016 as an excuse to get him interested. As in, “well, Florida and the Carolinas are Trump country! And even

It’s like an old-school superhero’s mask. She’s PowerCat!

Part of what makes it so tough, IMO, is the wholly unrealistic expectation that five days’ work can be fit into just four days. I try to remind myself that it can’t be done (but then end up working late and through lunches anyway). Alas. 

Make a motion asking for telephonic appearance by your witnesses. If it’s approved, it will be your job to set up the technology, so don’t make it too hard on yourself. That said, if even one or two can be there’s in person, that will be so much more impactful than just having phone or video appearances. Check with

Set me up with a ticket and a pair of google glass and I’ll get that list for you, friends.

Thank you. This is what I came for.

And nobody’s face moves at all! Are they delighted? Are they horrified? Who can tell?

True. And it’s an appallingly low salary when you factor in therapy and saving up for future legal costs.

Is $130K a decent salary for DC? I’ve had toxic bosses before but not for that kind of pay.