Gravity Maguire

I’m so glad you posted this. I wouldn’t have sought out clips from the VMAs but this was so so so worth it. Missy’s an inspiration, the original, and long overdue for this kind of recognition!

The question here will be whether there was a license to use the photo and (secondarily) was it used consistent with that license. If so, his suit probably is over. If not, I’d love to see the guy, the tattoo artist, and the photographer battle it out for who should get what. I’d lay money that Brophy doesn’t own the

Does he counter right away, or does he make Greenland sweat a little bit first?

I need them on my feet today. Seriously. I would buy them right now.

Given the by-now notorious secrecy around those scripts, I bet she’s getting no more than sides and has no idea what film they’re in. The whole cast thought they were filming a wedding instead of Tony Stark’s funeral.

She’s gotta be super into the high one supposedly gets from colonics.

As a p.s., in my world we respond really well to evidence of growth. And a good employer likes to think that theirs is a workplace that encourages and rewards growth, creative problem-solving, continuous improvement. Setbacks set the stage for breakthroughs. If you can show what you’ve learned, maybe even done some

A big part of my job is interviewing people with difficult histories who seek positions involving high trust. Ask a friend or colleague who has good insight into hiring to work with you on how you’re going to answer the inevitable interview question about why you’re no longer with your current employer. Be sure your

Blade. That was more or less Blade.

I’m with her on the mask! Not only does it (maybe) help keep you from catching whatever it is that’s making the whole plane cough, on Southwest I’ve discovered that nobody wants to sit next to the chick in the mask (a real bonus). I’m just beyond tired of getting sick every time I travel. Masks for everyone!

And also, voters would be trading a very powerful douchebag for a meh freshman Senator? I think that sounds great.

Did anyone else read “science and spirituality” as Scientology? I mean, good for stopping the cutting, but eeeek! if it means e-meters and Sea Org instead. 

All I’ve come here to say, re the hand-wringing on the right about E. Jean’s Anderson Cooper interview, is that she’s RIGHT and I wish she’d been able to finish the point that I assume she was making.

Thank you!!

I don’t like the “Supposedly Feminist” tagline. It sucks.

1. Chris Evans

What about Ruffalo? I think that the Chrises are all too pretty.

At the same time as the lice checks! (Do they still do lice checks?)

I think each doctor sets her own price. Mine was around $3000, which totally isn’t nothing, but which will, IMO, be worth it, given how much it’s cured my sweating, which cured my stinkiness, and which is saving my clothes. It also makes your armpit hair grow super slow. I wear the kind of “natural”, aluminum-free,

I got an anti-sweating procedure for the pits called MiraDry and I love love love it. Better than Botox as it doesn’t wear off.