Gravity Maguire

I’m worried that’s they’ll open and close the hearing quickly and then announce that they’ve found that Jr. was totally candid the first time ‘round and nothing to see here, exonerated!

Two words: Myrcella Baratheon

Waist! Waist!

I tie mine just below the boobs, empire-waste style, as if I was some sort of mashup of disco and Jane Austen.

I’m wearing one right now! I’m a plus-sized gal, and it expands and contracts as my body does the same. I do always wear a tank top under. It happens to be a particularly good one, from Grace, which I bought years and years ago. The DVF ones are lovely, but they’re pretty much designed so you’ll fall right out of

I thought I saw Brienne in the Winterfell group meeting scene, when Lady Mormont called out Jon? Maybe it was in the recap instead.

Huffman has a better publicist.

It really just feels like what they’re admitting is that it’s the skinny-ass model who makes their schmatta look good, and not their design work. Try harder, contestants!

Gently get them out of the old pot (tapping the sides helps, but if you have to break the pot, put a washcloth or hand towel between the pot and your hammer or trowel). Gently wiggle and roll the roots between your hands, letting as much of the dirt fall off as you can. Then carefully pull the three plants apart. Some

I have two words for these girls: Tori Spelling.

Shia LaBeouf is an eccentric rich person with multiple hobbies. Not a good example?

That’s my favorite hack! Worked great in Mexico!

I’m pretty sure the New Mexico Goodwill recycles too. It would be nice to get an edit to the original article.

She claim the kids was nonconsensual.

What is this, Regency England and a woman who’s a victim of sexual assault is the one who’s to blame? If Woods is telling the truth, this is 100 different kinds of shitty victim-blaming.

So now I discover, thanks to US Weekly, that I’ve literally never heard any of the Jonas Brothers’ music.

At one point the word among people who’d worked with him was that John Cusack had a major sex addiction issue. So it all makes a kind of sense.

I think those are Dominos bread sticks,

Here’s the recipe. It’s all to taste.

In three years, my go-to, green chile bacon cauliflower mac & cheese, has gone from something I’d reliably get to bring home, practically untouched, and scarf down in the company of my dogs to the first thing that gets demolished by the bowl party crowd. Victory(?)!