GRIVLET - Proud of Cobalt

An *ahem* intelligent person probably would have attempted something that would have actually made him stop. Have you looked in your rear view mirror today? Can you see the bottom of your rear tire? If you can then you really need to go back to driving school because that is not how you adjust your mirrors. If that

I would say mostly for his own well-being.

Tried to resist commenting on this conversation, but I failed.

"Bruh - I just got these new powerslot drilled rotors on my del sol but they're shaking really bad. They were like squeeking and stuff so I sprayed water on them once I got home from driving like an asshat and now it dont stop real gud. Can you check it out for me?"

And that, kids, is how you reduce the lifespan of 8 expensive tires by 20% in just 1.5 minutes!!!!

These always look like they were rendered with some ripoff of "The Sim's" platform

Ladies and gentleman - I give you this, the S-10 eXtreme. Take a small, already slightly impractical 2 door, 2 seat pickup truck with about the same interior space as a mustang - then negate any real off-road ability by adding ground effects.

But how much will a 16v Toyota powered replica cost???

this just screams FAAAKE carbon fiber... Chances of this being a Chinese knock off are...?

Is this real life?

Subaru: Burn the new BRZ Sti with fire. It has no right to wear that monicker and you know it. What will you do if (it ever happens) you offer a higher performance model? Will you call it the STi EXTREEEEME?

Rental fleets buy base models and they are all automatics.

Yes, all of them!


well every generator that I know of requires a fuel, now your being more pedantic than me.

du what?

I love the way he grabs the wheel when he shifts into second for some reason, haha.

I used to like these too when I was younger, and before these it was the eclipses with the big waaangs. It is funny how tastes change.

I also had the twin mill

I would not trade the thousands of hours I have spent with this franchise. (stopped playing at 3)