Gothmog3VZ - Twin AW11's

I conpletely forgot about that last tine I was there and spent a long weekend ripping around in my dad’s Miata (had to compare it to the mr2!).

Last I checked, the 750iL was never offered with a manual as a production vehicle. There was one built for the “Transporter”, but that’s the extent of it...

Well, that’s the point of the warranty.

Nah. There is still hope - I went from a Camry (albeit V6 5MT) to a pair of mid-engined funmobiles ;)

I disagree. With good tires and plenty of power, the captured car could probably take a cruiser on a short ride.

Different wing design, note how the J20 has a taper whereas the MiG has a flat trailing end.

That being said, in terms of fuselage, aerodynamics dictates the optimal shaping. You could argue that the J20 has bits of F22 and F35 in the cockpit and nacelle areas... But realistically speaking, if someone on this side of

Pretty amusing actually. While I enjoy my combustion engines, I try to keep myself environmentally friendly to offset that. Hence a 27-year-old sports car that gets 28-30 MPG. Car is built, so no further emissions there, and it burns little enough gas (when not thrashing it) that I’d say it’s friendlier than a lot of

For any sort of performance car, you don’t go flat out until the engine has warmed up. Even normal appliance cars, if you want them to last. I mean, nobody’s stopping you... But it makes me chuckle when I hear about someone’s “low mileage” VW or Subaru shitting itself because the owner would drive the piss out of it

It looks like people were queuing up to get off the plane. If that was the case, (which it appears to be, what with the crew slowly helping people onto the slide), that lady is no hero; she’s an idiot with no self control, the kind of person who takes a bad situation and turns it into a panicked stampede.

Luckily, bragging about overhead cams and fuel injection largely went out of style 20 years ago.

Power/weight ratio gives you fasts.

Came for MR2. Tavarish delivered, I am content.

Keeps idiots from texting and driving easily

It would be... If the wheels weren’t riding on edges due to autistic levels of camber.

Make *A* call. Only experience and practice can help you determine if its the right one at the time. But making any decision is generally much better than sitting around doing nothing.

TIL electric cars have air pumps hooked to the throttle for “vacuum cleaner noise"

Did someone say E85? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Oh, they don’t. What I was implying is that suddenly quick-swap battery packs would be “feasible” and they’d suddenly be publicly available due to homolgation.

Inb4 suddenly quick-change battery packs are a thing

Last I checked, we aren’t tryhard MS6 owners. So that would be a no on both counts :)