
Awesome! This just means we’re only a year away from the iPhone 8 (which is the iPhone we should be getting). I really don’t think they’ll introduce anything we haven’t already read about - so basically it’ll be a meh update. If true it looks like they’re really committing to differentiating the regular from the Plus

I think expect more of the usual. At this point I’m surprised there aren’t working models out in the wild. The product line is developed and tech is sufficiently caught up that there really isn’t much that could be revolutionary, you know? Like a doubly fast processor isn’t going to feel like a big jump like it did

GoT portrays a lot of violence but in many ways that violence is abstract - being shot by an arrow, killed by a sword, mauled by a bear, or having canon balls shot through our roofs is something we don’t see in society today. Violent sexual acts against women on the other hand continue to be an all to common

Those confederate supporters and defenders are always the first ones to bitch about the gay flag when it’s flown anywhere too. Complete and total removal from reality.

You might want to recalibrate the color on your TV - it’s pretty easy to see the melanin on him.

Yeah no that’s not how it works. Art is produced in periods and once a movement ends there’s no more supply of art of that period. In these eras some artists will rise to become iconic and their work will define that movement which will be reflected in the value of their pieces. No matter if future artists produce

If this is true it just continues to paint Spotify in a bad light. Recent news suggests they’re pushing labels to accept a lower royalty rate and now they’re allegedly giving less promotion to artists .... hmm, not a good way to warm music labels to their cause. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. VC funding

I see this as cutting your nose off to spite your face. Spotify burying a popular artist and lowering their promotion can cause consumers to gravitate to the competing service that is heavily pushing them. People want their top preference right there. They don’t want to search for it. Look at how disastrous it can be

Amber Heard is an opportunist C-List actress with no discernible flair or charisma whose only talent is clawing her way up from being a high school drop out to the concubine of infinitely more powerful and wealthy men. Elon could do better than this social climber.

Again - THAT IS NOT A SUBSIDY! Uber giving free rides to your wife is a customer retention strategy employing predatory pricing. I do encourage you to Google the definition of a subsidy though to better understand the concept. (Also, you literally said it subsidizes drivers so don’t flip flop your argument)

Except what you described is not a subsidy! A subsidy is meant to encourage a lower price on commodities or encourage competition. Utilities, agriculture, education - those are subsidized. Uber offering sign on bonuses is a cost of doing business. Sign on bonuses are essentially a loss leader for Uber - it promises a

How many companies push the majority of their overhead onto their workers though?

Good point - I forgot about the sign up bonuses and the guaranteed hourly rate. Still, it’s wrong to call it a “subsidy” instead of what it really is which is “cost of business”. It’s a small difference but the connotation it implies is huge. That so many tech writers would continue to refer to this cost as a subsidy

Those ads don’t necessarily point to a need for drivers. There’s a high turn over rate for Uber drivers which is why you see those ads - all those drivers who quit working for the service have to be replaced by enough people in order to maintain the super short service times.

Uber is not “subsidizing” it’s drivers - let’s make that clear. If anything drivers are the ones subsidizing Uber since they provide the vehicle and bear the cost of phone bills, insurance, maintenance, gas, and depreciation. Uber has essentially no overhead to pay except for its legislative legal agenda. The

The funny thing is that I felt as if I was being hammered with Olympic coverage of every little detail leading up to the games and then once they actually commenced I didn’t really hear a peep. Sure I heard about sexy Tonga man, the green pool and Lochtegate but other than that? Nothing. If it wasn’t for this article

Production schedule is something they really need to tighten up. They do a pretty good job with House of Cards, but I suspect that’s because most of it it is on sets. I’ve been waiting forever for Sense8 S2 to come out, but it looks like it’ll be another 8 months before it comes out. Close to 2 years between seasons

Grace & Frankie shows another awesome duo of women. Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin kill it. If you haven’t checked it out I would totally recommend it on NFLX; it’s a great show.

Hmm ..... there’s an untapped market somewhere in there. Pairing weed strains with wine. Idk.

No. Brewerton was an academic invited to speak on her field. It’s one thing to ask tourist visiting a country to be respectful of local culture it’s another for a country to impose it’s views on a visiting academic whose primary reason to be there is to share knowledge and ideas.