
Lawsuits in their early stages can proceed without really requiring a lot of personal involvement from plaintiffs until later stages since it’s mostly behind the scenes lawyer paper work. Also I’d like to add that no one gets to dictate how the families of those affected should grieve in cases like this. Everyone’s

The things Legere did for T-Mo were nothing short of a spectacular. In terms of branding and growing the base the perception of the company now is totally changed too. That’s the type of leadership you need at a failing company like Yahoo. Someone who has a clear understanding of where they want the company to be and

Great points. The only things Marissa Mayer really brought to the table was a dime-a-dozen Stanford degree and a minor position at Google. I don’t think she ever showed any real leadership competence and she mismanaged the ship at every turn. I really did think Yahoo! could have made some sort of return back when she

Being 21 I see this “all video” trend happening already. Most of my feed currently is video only now. Literally just opened up the app to check this - 8 of the top 10 recent posts are shared videos, 2 are photos. Videos run on average a minute and a half, and I’m noticing a trend that these clips are increasingly

I never understood why we “should have made contact with an extra terrestrial species” by now when we just barely started looking for broadcasts a generation ago. If it was a truly international effort then maybe but when it’s just a few countries with these sorts of capabilities, often underfunded, it seems a little

How serious is the overall editorial feeling of Gawker being considered? I mean the snark, etc. shit everyone comes here for but which other publications and people like Peter Thiel hate. Has future editorial direction been discussed internally or by potential buyers at this point in time?

Idk, a lot of high end brands are centered around very “blend in” type of clothes. (Alexander Wang; Margiela - where white t shirts can easily go for $2-300). There’s also a lot of other middle retailers who have much higher quality clothing in comparison to Express (Topman). Who the fuck making this type of money

Shut the fuck up. You know this is pretty much all Sploid is and this is how these articles go. Don’t like it, don’t click. Duh, dumb ass.

They pointed out Apple Watch could do this but, I may be mistaken, they didn’t mention iPhone doing this. Right?

I cackled at this. Good Kinja.

I think it’s kind of cool actually. Messages is my most used app on my iPhone so little extra stuff like this makes the experience more fun. Still, if this is the most exciting thing about iOS 10 (they did spend a long time discussing it) it’s a pretty stale release. Enhanced notifications are pretty neat too. Not

The text bubble is blue instead of green.

If it helps bay the legal bills I’ll donate the money I get from sucking dick ($5 at the Zone off Santa Monica in Hollywood) to Gawker. Anything for my favorite web property.

It’s a pretty clear message that any thin sinned billionaire out there who doesn’t like what’s being published about them has two options: buy out the publication or sue them into bankruptcy. Either way the discussion becomes hampered and publications are forced to become less critical for fear of the repercussions.

When you have a group of people like Peter Thiel (and people like Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson) who have war chests at their disposal that are the equivalent of some countries GDP and are able to bully their way through politics and press to get an outcome they want then yeah I would say this is the new repression

Woah. Been here since I was a sophomore in high school. It’s been a great ride. Wonder what the future holds. Definitely a blow against free press. Fuck Peter Thiel, Hulk Hogan, and every other thin skinned rich asshole.

Because literally anything gets NIMBYs pissed off. SF has proven time and again that they can’t do shit regarding planning - they couldn’t even tax the Google Bus system at a decent rate. And c’mon - the idea economy? How long is that bubble going to last? Oil still has decades in it left, most things in tech are

lol - let’s be real. You can’t do shit in San Francisco. NIMBY LULU’s would stop any meaningful progress to transportation within the city. I say give it to Austin it’s the most likely area where the funds could actually do something.

What’s there get? Old white people discovered hip hop in a palatable version to them and are going crazy about it.

I would freak out too if I saw that, but I guess the difference is they’re selling the works most likely to private collections so standards are different?