
They are the studio releasing The Emoji Movie so I’m not surprised.

And as the director of such classics as Tower Heist and X-Men 3, Ratner is someone to be taken seriously.

To be fair, being exclusively targeted towards children can’t be the only reason Pikachu is so popular. Jar Jar Binks was exclusively marketed towards kids and look what happened to him.

This hurts so much, especially since I actually used to watch his videos and really enjoyed them. Pewdiepie’s antics didn’t really register because I didn’t really care about him before all that.

Best part is that this is essentially Rachel Dolezal’s biggest fantasy come to horrifying life.

I for one would love a take on Superman IV: The Quest For Peace

Underrated comedic masterpieces on par with Tommy Wiseau, you mean.

That scene alone is why I’m so confused at the vitriol launched at this film, that Rey is a Mary Sue, that it’s a giant nostalgia fest, that J.J. Abrams is a hack and should be burned at the stake.

I’m kinda scared the alt-right thinks that the Nazis won World War II, considering how they’ve been acting lately.

Got em.


It’s almost like Sony makes it a personal challenge for themselves to see how awful they can make each new sequel compared to the previous film.

Maybe Zack Snyder is actually Bizarro and confuses “fun” for “killing fan favorite characters immediately after you see them.”

Actually giving a shit probably helps.

DC has become such a farce of itself that I’m no longer upset. I’m actually impressed by their complete disgust and apathy for their own characters.

Valid point.

Compassion and empathy aren’t his strong suits.

I don’t think those are words that Snyder knows.

Jesus Christ, Snyder, just eat the humble pie already and admit all of this was your damn fault.
