Ginger Snap

As someone who has long-planned to start trying for Baby #2 in October, and whose family has a long-planned trip to Orlando in October, this is just scaring the bejeesus out of me. I asked my OB what precautions I could take, and they were simply, “Meh, just check the CDC site” which pretty much just says “IDK, we’re

After sex I just crack their ribs open and eat them, that way they are not ALLOWED to speak.

Youre not getting the point. Rational people like you dont deserve this app. This app is for people who like to score. People willing to go the extra mile. Its about being a winner.

I’m not even here to badmouth NASCAR (enough others can do it for me, and I thank them for it).

Crinklebert Bembledack!

I also asked a Brooklyn-based bartender if anyone has ever ordered a “vodka Diet Coke” from him in his many years of bartending. His reply: “Never. Not once. Because it’s not a cocktail.”


Hey brother!

*Baby picks Eddie in Tekken 3, never gets hit*

90 degrees of wasteland.

It’s everything about the wild nature...

SDCC Exclusive

Can we agree right off the bat that everyone that leaves “feature callout” in the orange box is disqualified? >_<

You now hear Wrecking Ball being sung by James Earl Jones.