
Quick, somebody drop some dry ice in that flask!

Nope, he's holding an Erlenmeyer flask. That clearly makes it SCIENCE! It's even got coloured liquid in it. What more do you people want? Bubbles? Smoke?

Well, to be fair, it's about as reasonable and scientific as most of the other arguments against gay marriage.

Pleas let it be a hoax. Please let it be a hoax. Please make it so there isn't people stupid enough to actually believe this crap.

The soundtrack is awesome though.

I wonder how many guys out there are still paying for porn...

Farscape. Season 2. Crackers Don't Matter. 2000.

For being one of the mind-bendiest things ever put to television.

I have a lot of favorites from various shows, but one that definitely deserves a mention is: Battlestar Galactica, "33." Set the bar for the entire run of the show, and *raised* it for TV in general.

Now playing

This episode never fails to move me, no matter how many times I see it. It's funny where it is meant to be and poignant where it is meant to be. Even as it tugs at my heartstrings, it manages to explore significant human issues, the issue of how we rear children, the issue of how we treat people who are significantly

TNG: Darmok

Now playing

It's not close to my favourite show but hell, The Inner Light from ST:TNG is easily the best for me. It's one of the few episodes of an ongoing science fiction show that manages to grasp at the promise of the written genre. It's not space battles, it's not even conflict really but it's the soul of Asimov, Ballard and

One of the best episodes of tv period. Let alone SciFi.

Season 5 Episode 10: Doctor Who - Vincent and the Doctor (June 5th, 2012)

Amazing story with a real heart-tugger of an ending. Great performances all around. The scene at the end where the Doctor and Amy take Van Gogh to the museum makes me tear up every time.

This is so good that I first thought it was photoshop.

Probably the same way they did the last time he raced for them?

Still not as cool as Mark.

If only any 458 were as attractive as the precedent you cite.