
Or he actually committed a murder to test his hypothesis that he wouldn’t lose voters, and couldn’t have been talking to Russia because of it.

I can’t wait till he starts live tweeting shit about Congress while simultaneously answering questions from the same.

One problem here is that simulation theory doesn’t require an intelligent creator. I know that sounds counterintuitive, but is is possible that the laws of nature allow for an automatic dynamic framework for information storage that only appears to be “real” from our perspective. Basically an observer on a fractal

Micro thermoelectric power generation from body heat?

“They told her to put a cork in it, nevertheless, she persisted?”

Wait, are you sure that isn’t Pitbull ?

Yeah, what the world needs more of now is religions and “belief systems.” It’s working out so great for our species.

Same reason this shit keeps getting echoed on Kinja.

Toddlers do the same thing....

It’s probably a confusion between the use of WiFi signals to create realtime 3d space maps that can show people moving in range of the AP.

Listen here, chuck....

We should do something useful with Phobos, like attach rockets to it and push it to the surface. The heat added from atmospheric friction and kinetic energy would not be a bad thing.

“Carson, it seems, was trying to make a point about the amazing abilities of the human brain”

Using power tools is the easy way out. Relying on modern technology for woodworking will make you lathey...

or the next Doctor....

How come the “assassin” didn’t die from exposure if she wiped it onto him?

There. I fixed your headline for you.

Wait, What? Daddy?

There are adapters for them.

He uses android phones.