
How do you squint your brains?

The problem is you can’t see the sign on the button if you don’t know how to turn the lights on....

It’s a bit of a stretch to say he starred in both. He had a semi recurring role in the second series, but I’d hardly call that starring in it.

So, by squinting, I can make giant images of my eyes appear on walls?

It’s also possible that’s how all matter gets made if the things you are pushing together are only energy. Now that I think about it, it could also explain quantum fluctuations if whatever gets split off is pushed into another universe..

“these compounds won’t have much use on Earth, and can only exist under strange conditions like those at the center of gas giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn.”

I don’t get the problem here. Humans are supposed to be resistant to antibiotics so they are not harmed while undesirable organisms are killed off. It would make sense if flies were spreading resistant genes to other bacteria, but that’s not what this article is about. As far as I can see the panic is over flies

That is a majorly flawed way for the consumer to be heard. It gives no input into what isn’t there. If everything on TV was a reality show it would only send information on which reality shows were of interest. There would be no data on shows or genres that weren’t already represented. Sure it’s possible to leverage

One thing about Clinton trolling Trump for four years is it could distract him from fucking things up too much until the next election.

Just what the world needs... a fucking hipster robot.

Not even a hairbrush. More like a sticky pet hair removal roller...

“Sir, Mr. Putin asked if you could postpone this order until he gets nudes of Kelly Conway”

Know what fits nicely on a cap? “Fuck you, Donald!”

More places to put anti-Trump graffiti....

Except for Hillary’s emails......

“For non-scientists, one solid takeaway is we get to see some of the same meteorites dinosaurs did. That’s objectively awesome.”

Oh fuck, there’s two of him?

No. Atmospheric pressure is a global constraint. Using atmosphere as a medium for transmitting energy is not the same thing as changing the overall pressure as it happens on a local level and is moving energy from one area to another within the same system rather than adding it externally through pressure