
We have a precedent now. The only viable candidates going forward are going to be inexperienced well known celebrities. Who could the left muster to go up against donald in 2020? Oprah? Dwayne Johnson? Kiefer Sutherland? The Sham-Wow guy?

I think he made an unintentionally blond joke by confusing Hepatitis with Herpes.

I think a large part of it depends on what you do with it. Portal stories for me was a blast with no sickness. Putting FO4 into a VR setting with Vorpx was a nauseating and headache inducing experience. The difference was Portal gave me full head tracking, teleportation and room scale movement. FO4 had scripted

Unless Dark Energy is something else entirely. The singularity powering a black hole is an infinitesimally small infinitely dense point. This implies that it has 0 dimensions. However, it is acquiring information which must be stored. It must then have internal dimensions. let’s call them Inverse Dimensions. They

Well, Its a good thing the Russians have been breeding a domesticated version...

Ja’ffa KREE!

“This is a fire for the history books,”

Corrected Headline: Human thinks fiction is totally made up.

She is disabling his movement and dragging him back to her cubs to teach them how to eat a kill? I’m not sure that applies to a legal threat.

He didn’t do a very good job. It looks more like an Eagle exploding than a drone...

That’s more of a What than a Why or even more useful, a How.

I got asked to draw a fucking “animal migration”, in 20 fucking seconds..

We said that about Trump’s chances last tuesday too...

Depending on the depth and temperature of the water they may have decomposed into skeletons and the bones may have dissolved in the sea water, so there might not be anyone left to disturb.

They don’t seem to be that great now, especially at a traffic stop...

She looks like she got into her husbands supply of Meth.

We need to send Michael J Fox back to 1955 or something....