
Still, different things come to mind depending on what decades were your formative ones. A reader aged 50-60 might come up with an entirely separate duo.

That makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking: “Why would Dr Strange have Marty McFly and Doc Brown in it?”

Well if it has a wall of Ice, we can get mexico to pay for it...

Caesar may have just been really competitive with coloring fabrics.

(“I shall explain emotion to my viewers as they are not sophisticated enough to understand emotion on their own...”)

Unless she left her own children behind, anyone that was left weren’t her descendants.

Option 6: Looking at Loki fanfic porn.

Like many words, “gay” has had multiple meanings and was not originally used as it is now, including exclusion from other usages. In my childhood(80's), “gay” was used as a synonym for stupid or dumb. “Hanging out with your parents is gay.” It was also synonymous with “lame”. The offense drawn when the word “gay” is

Yes. Guns were harder to obtain then. I also recall at one point pulling a longbow and nocking an arrow on someone.

Or make a portable one on a gimble for VR gaming....

You’re crazy.

If you point the multi-tool at your drone bot, you can access 8 inventory slots and use him as a cargo hauler. It makes the walking to gather a lot less grindy.

When did Gandalf trim his beard?

Seems like the answer to most of our problems is to massively and forcibly cut congressional lobbying.

Technically, it’s undersized....

Theranos - The Homeopathy of blood testing.

When the barrel heats up:

Is that a dagger taped to the barrel of the gun or a giant lump of chocolate chip cookie dough?

If anything Odo looks more like Matt smith than Trump.

If everyone is so damn afraid of clowns, why did they nominate him for president?