No, voldemort needed help from quirrel and wormtail and the malfoys. He's clearly a parasite.
No, voldemort needed help from quirrel and wormtail and the malfoys. He's clearly a parasite.
the smart guy (or gal) who is an expert in every field. they may be a microbiologist but they can also hack the pentagon and build a particle accelerator while calculating the mass of a black hole.
For me it's when Eldoridain, Deldaninn, Eldorililai, Deldelveldel and Elvenorinal go off to fight the forces of Th'k'athor, thi'Kil'rath, t'Up'chuk and Tr'i'li'but with the help of Raginemonon, Arthaging, Ramathorilor, Argathingon and Ramalamadingdong.
I was so excited to watch The Neverending Story with my son. It was my favorite movie when I was his age. At first, everything was fine, he was totally into it. Then Artax went and drowned in the fucking Swamp of Sadness. He turned to me with tears rolling down his face and said "Turn it off! This is a horrible…
10/10 would calibrate.
Geeks? On a science and science fiction blog? GOOD JOB, WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE
Just amazing how so few series end with such a perfect final shot: No grand battle, no sentimental good-byes or major deaths or such. Just the crew playing poker with Picard finally joining them, this unique bond of friendship showcased full-scale and the camradarie that made the show work so well. No bang, no…
She was in the first season... Then they made her an idiot.
The couple of pictures showing workers with large blades up in the air standing shoulder-to-shoulder with other employees are slightly worrisome.
There were quite good reasons for The Jungle to be written, but I certainly wouldn't say that these pictures represent them.
I don't understand why any of these are "utterly disturbing" — this is where all the meat that you eat comes from, and has for over a century. And should our modern society one day collapse, on a smaller scale, if you want to eat meat, this is how it will be done.
The Matrix has always had two big ones:
You just have to realize that it wasn't really a role-playing game, it's more of a tactical strategy game.
Yes, that's why I hated it. I mean that was always there with D&D but 4ed really pushed that out to the front.
People who went into 4E for a tactics game were, by and large, not all that disappointed. It works well as one. People who went into 4E expecting a more polished, competent crunch-heavy pseudo-simulator were incredibly disappointed. Sure, imagination is the most important element of tabletop RPGs, but a well designed…
Is it accurate though? I always imagined Westeros as being more analogous to the British Isles than the United States, in terms of size. It makes the concept of visiting Winterfell from King's Landing by caravan seem like something one would labor to do, but not be a great one-way journey. Not to mention the task…
I love the ME universe, and every time I start thinking about replaying it I am reminded of the third game and get disappointed. To a lesser extent the second, but mostly the third. Not even because of the finale, the game itself just wasn't as good compared to the first. I don't know what 2 and 3 did differently, but…
Yup. I remember playing that mission and thinking, "Oh, this is gonna be important later on!"
Yeah. My first playthrough, I still was all :
Yeah, I don't think this is commentary on forcing yourself to be attracted to someone who you're not attracted to. It's about letting societal pressure bully you out of being attracted to someone who you ARE attracted to.