Geez, chill. I was just asking since I was here instead of having a Google search show up in my history. Gross.
Geez, chill. I was just asking since I was here instead of having a Google search show up in my history. Gross.
I have to say that imaging a clitoris with legs is kinda freaking me out. Dear head, please wrap yourself around this one.
Ah, ok. I'm a lesbian so pardon if I'm not up on the anatomy of the manses. So then it is a gender thing because my preference is not to have things in my butt but if I had a clit in my butt that would be a different story.
So, I don't get why guys like things in their ass. Also, it seems like this guy's year of birth is 1947 (if I'm looking at his x-ray disc correctly) and his Dad had to take him to the hospital? Hmmm.
If James Franco is the great man they've been waiting for, we're all screwed. Am I the only one who thinks this guy is a talentless, low energy, jaundiced druggie ?
Ignorant, inbred, no-class trolls.
My niece was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in a domestic violence murder/suicide in May 2011. I swear to God if anyone had ever even whispered anything positive about that murdering bastard in the presence of our family we would have gone apeshit.
What a fucktard. It's domestic violence without the quotes. It's a huge problem in this country and one that needs major attention. Just the fact that Congress has politicized reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act shows the world that, as a country, we could care less about domestic violence.
I love Lindy West.
Chamique Holdsclaw busted out the crazy on her ex-GIRLFRIEND. No manses involved.
Me likey. It's informal, cool and a lot more fun to read than most other boring blog posts. Like the ones I imagine you are writing 4 recovery. Geez.
I don't think there's any confusion about who the imbecile is.
Lindy, I want to be your friend so bad. Talking about this stuff at a wine bar over some yummy Oregon Pinot Noir would be so amazeballs.
Speaking of rampant culture-wide hypocrisy... my ex's mother was a total, proselytizing evangelical who took every chance to comment on my sinner-ish "lifestyle." Bat shit crazy anti-choice woman who said that a women's place is in the home "serving" her husband. Of course, she had an abortion WHILE she was married…